12.6: Life-span changes and Common Eye Disorders Sponge: Set up Cornell Notes on pg. 77 Topic: 12.6: Life-span Changes and Common Eye Disorders Essential Questions: What is the MOST common eye disorder? 12.6: Life-span changes and Common Eye Disorders 2.1 Atoms, Ions, and Molecules
Reminder NEXT FRIDAY April 25th : Notebook check on the Eye Ch. 12 Test
Common Eye Disorders Posters and Presentations (30-40 mins) Read your assigned description of one of the common eye disorders What is it? What does someone who has this disorder experience? Cause? Treatment? Any extra information Must have illustrations Feel free to use your cell phones to get additional information You will be PRESENTING this information to your peers
5 minute Break
Common Eye Disorders: (NOT strictly age related) Refractive errors are the most frequent eye problems in the United States: Myopia: near-sightedness Hyperopia: far-sightedness Astigmatism: distorted vision at all distances Conjunctivitis: inflammation of conjunctiva Black eye: capillaries break- and move into surrounding tissue Eyelid Stye: bacterial infection of sebaceous gland Color-blindness: inherited condition where certain colors are hard to either differentiate or cannot be seen
Blindness: inability to see anything, including light Retinal detachment: When retina detaches from back of eye- must be fixed with surgery or will cause blindness Cornea tear or abrasion: A scratch to the cornea Amblyopia (am-blee-o-pia) aka Lazy eye: Perygium (ter-ij-ee-um) benign, non-cancerous growth that develops on the mucous membranes
Life-Span Changes and Disorders Age-related visual problems include: Dry eyes: Floaters: crystals in vitreous humor Glaucoma: too much aqueous humor- too much pressure- may result in blindness Cataracts: lens becomes cloudy- may lead to blindness Macular degeneration: impairment of the macula-blurs images-may lead to retinal detachment
Presbyopia (pres-bee-o-pia): that occurs between age 40–50 years- loss of the ability to focus up close, inability to read letters clearly while reading
Study Guide MUST be completed by Monday