How can you appropriately respond to and prevent bullying? Next Bullying 1 2 3 4 5 6 1. Question 1. Watch the video by clicking on the picture and hitting play. 2. Think about the jump start questions below. Jump Start Questions: What is bullying? What are ways that kids can be bullied? Where can bullying take place? Who does bullying effect and how does it make them feel? Video gathered from; submitted via How can you appropriately respond to and prevent bullying? Image provided by Microsoft Clipart
2. Information Sources Next 1 2 3 4 5 6 Let’s learn a little more about bullying and how it can affect the way you feel and act. As you explore, fill in your Note taking sheet Click on the BrainPOP, Jr. or BrainPOP movie to the right to watch Annie and Moby or Tim and Moby teach you about bullying. After you watch the movie, click on the star to take an online quiz. Print out your quiz results. Listen to kids like you talking about what bullying is, how it feels to be bullied, and what you can do! - To get to these movies, click on the picture to the right. Select “Share ” and then “videos”. - Continue to explore the site for more great information about bullying! Read more about what bullying is and how you can deal with bullying by reading and/or listen to the articles below. Click the symbol on the web page to have the article read to you! Image retrieved from Image retrieved from BrainPOP Jr., BrainPOP *NOTE: Go to the BCPS Database page and click on BrainPOP Jr. or BrainPOP, then return to this slide and click on one of the video links above. Image retrieved from
Next 3. Student Activity 1 2 3 4 5 6 Click on “Play” then “more games” then “feelings” to use what you have learned about bullying to identify the emotions felt by a bullying victim. Below the game, read the article “Bully Beware” to learn more about preventing bulling, as well as guidelines of how to respond to a bully.
4. Assessment Activity Next 1 2 3 4 5 6 Click the picture below for an an Anti-Bullying Commercial already on T.V. Ready, Set, Action! Work with a partner or a small group to write a commercial about bullying. Read the rubric to see what you must include in your project and how you will be graded. Click on the “No Bullying” sign below to complete your “Stop Bullying Now” comic strip script. Click here for a Rubric! Image provided by Microsoft Clipart
Answer question about bullying to “beat the bully” in a space race. 5.Extention Activities Click on the pictures below to access each of the links. Next 1 2 3 4 5 6 Use the Destiny catalog to find more books and resources about bullying. Answer question about bullying to “beat the bully” in a space race. Watch “Stop Bullying Now” webisodes that show examples of bullying and how they can be prevented. Listen and sing along to a song that uses positive words to talk to a bully. Draw a poster sending a message about bullying. Print it out to share with others.
6. Teacher Support Materials 1 2 3 4 5 6 BCPS Curriculum: Grade 3: Health Module 1: Lesson 4 (Your Health Textbook, pg. 200-201) Maryland State Curriculum Standard 5.0: Safety and Injury Prevention 1. Identify teasing and bullying as harassment and their effects on the individual. A. Recognize teasing and bullying. B. Recognize examples of teasing and bullying, such as isolation name calling, and other verbal assaults, and pushing and other physical assaults. Common Core State Standards Reading: 1. Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text. Writing: 7. Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects based on focused questions, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation. Standards for the 21st Century Learner 1.1.6 Read, view, and listen for information presented in any format (e.g. textual, visual, media, digital) in order to make inferences and gather meaning. 2.1.3 Use strategies to draw conclusions from information and apply knowledge to curricular areas, real-world situations, and further investigations. Maryland Technology Literacy Standards for Students 3.0 : Use a variety of technologies for learning and collaboration. Time Frame: 2- 60 minute periods. Differentiation: Students should be instructed to utilize the read aloud options on the websites, as well as the captions tool on Brainpop,Jr.. This lesson can be taught as whole group or students can work with partners. The assessments could also be completed in partners or small groups. Students may utilize their notes to complete each step. Activity: on level = modified = Learning Styles: sequential, global, reflective, kinesthetic, auditory and visual. Notes to the teacher: According to the BCPS Office of Health Education, this lesson should be taught in the 1st quarter in the first Health Education Module. Students can turn in activities by saving Microsoft documents and copying it to a teacher or student drop folder. If a computer lab is not available, this lesson may be implemented in the classroom or library using interactive whiteboards and printed handouts of the linked resources. If the embedded video on slide one will not play, the teacher can use the hyperlink to display the video on screen. All assessments/notes can be printed out and handed in or saved to the drop box for student files. You may need to logon to Brainpop the first time. See your Library Media Specialist for passwords. Last update: July 2013 Created by Stacy Barry LMS, Edited by Ashley Weber PE/Health, Library Intern BCPS Research Module or Slam Dunk Model, Copyright 2005, Baltimore County Public Schools, MD, all rights reserved. The models may be used for educational, non-profit school use only. All other uses, transmissions, and duplications are prohibited unless permission is granted expressly. This lesson is based on Jamie McKenzie’s Slam Dunk Lesson module available at Dr. Jamie McKenzie's Slam Dunk Model.