Presentation 5: Steps to prevent worker exposure to nanomaterials in the workplace
Introduction Employers are responsible for the protection of workers’ health and safety, working with worker representatives in engaging employees Worker representatives and union representatives have a role in enforcing EU occupational health and safety legislation, including that related to chemicals in the workplace – but do not have responsibility for this, and are not meant to lead these processes Despite the existence of European and national occupational safety and health legislation, practice in the workplace does not always respect these legal requirements Various tools exist to ensure worker health and safety protection, some of which have been adapted for nanomaterials again, we distinguish between who has the RESPONSIBILITY (employer) to ensure worker health and safety protection and who NEEDS TO BE INVOLVED to represent workers’ interests (worker safety representative) Since workplace practice does not always respect legislation (on OSH, on chemicals in the workplace, on carcinogens or mutagens in the workplace, etc.), here we present various “tools” so that worker representatives know what tools can be used to ensure that employers respect their legal responsibilities Image: Date, location
1. The worker safety representative European legislation on occupational health and safety requires that workers or their representatives be involved in company activities relating to worker health and safety Worker health and safety is a national responsibility so each country has their own way of organising and naming “worker safety representatives” (“safety reps”) Safety reps are usually identified (by employers, by employees, by trade unions) as the employee representative in charge of workplace health and safety and working conditions – they are the 1st person to talk to about nano in the workplace Challenge: more than 99% of companies in Europe are SMEs and therefore do not likely have a worker health and safety representative The worker safety rep is not really a tool but it’s the main person with responsibility to ensure that worker interests are taken into account in matters relating to workplace health and safety Remember that worker “safety reps” are NOT responsible for occupational health and safety, but rather they ARE to be involved by the employer in respecting such legislation Safety reps are mandated to represent workers’ interests on health and safety issues – their mandate gives them specific rights (to information, to consultation) framed by the law or a collective agreement – however, safety reps do not necessarily exist in all companies, e.g. small and medium sized enterprises, micro-enterprises Reference: ETUC Health, Safety and Risk Prevention ( Image: Date, location
2a. Risk assessment – limits relating to nanomaterials … information is not easily or always available “When undertaking a nanomaterial risk assessment in their workplace, employers may therefore encounter difficulties related to: 1. insufficient information on the hazardous properties of nanomaterials; 2. no standardised methods and devices to measure exposure levels and to identify nanomaterials and emission sources; 3. limited information on effectiveness of risk reduction measures (filters, gloves, etc.); and 4. lack of information on presence of nanomaterials, in mixtures or articles (products) and down the user chain, when nanomaterials, or products containing nanomaterials, are used or processed.” Risk assessment is a tool for identifying a hazard and exposure types, locations and levels of workers to that hazard whatever it might be (not just nanomaterials, but other hazardous substances, noise, chemical and biological agents, etc.) – thereby providing the two key elements (hazard and exposure) for a risk assessment (Risk assessment is one of the three components of risk, the others being risk management and risk communication. Risk assessment is meant to be a scientifically based process made up of four steps: hazard identification, hazard characterisation, exposure assessment and risk characterisation) As we can see, there are a significant number of limitations on availability of information in relation to nanomaterials (on hazardous properties, on means of measuring and identifying nanomaterials, on risk reduction measures, and even on the presence of nanomaterials) hence CLICK: WHEN IN DOUBT, USE THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF PRECAUTION TO PREVENT EXPOSURE Reference: EU OSHA E-facts 72: Tools for the management of nanomaterials in the workplace and prevention measures ( Image: When in doubt, use the highest level of precaution to prevent exposure Date, location
2b. Risk assessment nonetheless – a 3-tiered approach Despite existing information gaps relating to nanomaterials, it is very important that employers undertake a risk assessment of nanomaterials as part of their potential introduction into the workplace When measuring nanomaterials (type, concentration levels) for risk assessments, employers need to address not only engineered nanomaterials (process-generated as well as fractions of nanomaterials in conventional products) An upcoming OECD report suggests a 3-tiered approach to measuring and assessing potential exposure to airborne nanomaterials Risk assessment requires identifying the hazard of a substance (tier 1 – gather information) Even though there are still serious gaps in knowledge about nanomaterials, employers need to undertake a risk assessment of nanomaterials as part of information gathering in relation to the potential introduction of nanomaterials to the workplace. Testing tools for nanomaterial types and concentration levels will identify non-engineered nanomaterials and employers need also to introduce a method to address worker protection in relation to these process-generated nanomaterials and fractions of nanomaterials in conventional products. The recent OECD report tries to describe a reliable, formal way of doing exposure related measurements and assessments of aerosols containing nanomaterials in workplace operations. It builds upon research into hazards of nanomaterials, elements of exposure measurement for nanomaterials as well as “bulk” materials, and peer reviewed scientific literature, and attempts to provide a harmonised, tiered approach that is systematic, consistent, practical and flexible. We also include examples from guidance on the prevention of worker exposure to nanomaterials that has been prepared in collaboration between employee and employer organisations, as well as from the European Occupational Health and Safety Agency. ALTHOUGH TRADE UNION REPRESENTATIVES WERE INVOLVED IN THE PREPARATION OF THE GUIDANCE – ONE FOR WORKERS AND ONE FOR EMPLOYERS AND HEALTH AND SAFETY PRACTITIONERS – THEY ARE NOT PLEASED WITH THE RESULTS AS SOME ELEMENTS PRESENTED THE REALITY OF NANOMATERIALS TOO SIMPLY OR OPTIMISTICALLY. HOWEVER, THESE GUIDANCE DOCUMENTS ARE USEFUL TO HELP IMPROVE DIALOGUE BETWEEN WORKERS AND EMPLOYERS ON NANOMATERIALS, THEIR INTRODUCTION AND USE IN THE WORKPLACE, AND WORKER PROTECTION NEEDS. Reference and image: OECD Harmonised Tiered Approach to Measure and Assess the Potential Exposure to Airborne Emissions of Engineered Nano-Objects and their Agglomerates and Aggregates at Workplaces Date, location
2b. Risk assessment nonetheless – a 3-tiered approach Tier 1 information should provide details on the workplace, on the nanomaterial 1ST SLIDE CLICK: Tier one type information includes workplace activities (all activities that could potentially result in exposure need to be considered), so: reception and storage of nanomaterials or products containing nanomaterials, opening of the packaging, addition of the nanomaterial to a production process (e.g. mixing), production of the nanomaterial, working with nanomaterials (e.g. machining, cutting, sanding), sampling in for example quality control, filling/packaging of the end product, cleaning and maintenance (and these staff are often overlooked especially if this activity is sub-contracted), transfer and transportation of the final product, waste treatment (so, reuse, recycling, incineration and landfilling) and removal of waste, and any others that might be relevant to the specific workplace 2ND SLIDE CLICK: A classification of the occupational health hazards for each nanomaterial should be made – this depends on the solubility of the nanomaterial (does it dissolve in water, depending on what concentration level), the nanomaterial’s specific toxicity, its shape and size amongst other characteristics 3RD SLIDE CLICK A categorisation of exposure potential should also be done, based on the “availability” of the nanomaterial for introduction into the human body – no emissions due to working in full containment), nanomaterials in a matrix could be emitted, or free nanomaterials If it is possible for workers to avoid exposure to airborne nanomaterials (for example if these are already in a matrix – such as a liquid) then it is proposed to skip to the second last step of documentation and archiving. We will address this in the coming slides. Reference and images: Date, location
2b. Risk assessment nonetheless – a 3-tiered approach (cont/d) Second tier is to conduct a basic exposure or release assessment - determine whether exposure to nanomaterials can occur (using portable nanomaterial characterisation instruments and existing knowledge on the nanomaterial/s) Testing of background nanomaterial levels before performing task using nanomaterials, and testing during nanomaterial use If no important increase in nanomaterial levels when using nanomaterials, then go to documentation and archiving step If there is an increase and the source of the increase is known, go to additional risk management measures step If there is an increase and the source is not known, go to next step Various portable nanomaterial characterisation instruments are available on the market, but we will not discuss these in this training since this would require too much time. Testing of background nanomaterial concentration levels needs to establish “normal” background levels (as nanomaterials are always present – naturally forming, or due to human activities) before undertaking the task involving the nanomaterial Even if there is an increased concentration level of nanomaterials in undertaking the task, this does not necessarily mean that the increase is ONLY due to engineered nanomaterials. For example, “process generated” nanomaterials (such as in machining, sanding, grinding or cutting) are created and the aim of characterising the nanomaterials generated is to distinguish between the process generated ones and the engineered ones. This is not to say that process generated nanomaterials are not harmful to health – dust remains a health concern regardless of whether it contains engineered nanomaterials or not, but the engineered nanomaterials can cause a different reaction in the body due to their physical and chemical properties If there is an increase in nanomaterials during the task, the source needs to be identified. If it is mostly due to process generated nanomaterials, then go to the step addressing additional risk management measures. If a significant proportion is due to the engineered nanomaterial, then go to the 3rd tier step Reference and image: OECD Harmonised Tiered Approach to Measure and Assess the Potential Exposure to Airborne Emissions of Engineered Nano-Objects and their Agglomerates and Aggregates at Workplaces Date, location
2b. Risk assessment nonetheless – a 3-tiered approach (cont/d) Third tier is to conduct a basic exposure or release assessment - determine whether exposure to nanomaterials can occur (using portable nanomaterial characterisation instruments and existing knowledge on the nanomaterial/s) Testing of background nanomaterial levels before performing task using nanomaterials, and testing during nanomaterial use If no important increase in nanomaterial levels when using nanomaterials, then go to documentation and archiving step If there is an increase and the source of the increase is known, go to additional risk management measures step If there is an increase and the source is not known, go to next step The 3rd tier step is to undertake an expert exposure assessment. This step aims to gather as much information as possible on the nanomaterial, to be able to determine whether exposure to the engineered nanomaterial can be excluded or not or if further risk management steps need to be taken. At this step, all appropriate equipment should be used to provide as comprehensive information on the presence of the nanomaterial in the workplace. We do not explain the different equipment types, the data they provide, or their strengths or weaknesses here as it is too detailed for this training course. SMPS is a Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer CPC is Condensation Particle Counter Reference and image: OECD Harmonised Tiered Approach to Measure and Assess the Potential Exposure to Airborne Emissions of Engineered Nano-Objects and their Agglomerates and Aggregates at Workplaces Date, location
Another example of nanomaterial risk assessment procedure Announcement 527 sets out different steps to take when assessing the risks associated with any nanomaterial Key aspects for assessing nanomaterial: Workers in laboratory conditions? Nanomaterial in liquid or solid matrix? Soluble nanomaterial? Nanoscale form detailed in SDS and no World Health Organisation fibre Is the specific toxicity known? Is it a GBP nanomaterial? In 2013, Germany’s Committee on Hazardous Substances prepared an Announcement on Hazardous Substances, specifically on manufactured nanomaterials - Announcement 527 Appendix 3 of Announcement 527 includes the flowchart we see here. Although it looks complicated, it asks basic questions to assess each nanomaterial: Are workers working in laboratory conditions? Is the nanomaterial used in a liquid or solid matrix? (this asks whether dust can be created) Is the nanomaterial soluble? Does the SDS include data on the nanoscale form of the substance and is there no World Health Organisation fibre characteristics (for more details on the WHO fibres, we include a reference to the International Programme on Chemical Safety Environmental Health Criteria 53 on asbestos and other natural mineral fibres) Is the nanomaterial’s specific toxicity known? Is it a GBP nanomaterial, so is it biopersistent and without specific toxicological properties and without fibrous structures? For each question, when data is not available, a HIGHER LEVEL OF WORKER PROTECTION IS RECOMMENDED (TRAINER: READ ANNOUNCEMENT 527 PAGES 12-15 FOR MORE DETAILS) Reference and image: WHO fibre: Date, location
3. Safety data sheets Date, location Potential sources of information: labels (pictograms), SDSs, European Commission recommendations, occupational exposure limit values, and other sources such as scientific literature, public databases, etc. If the employer does not know that nano is present in the workplace, or has not (yet) done a risk assessment for the nanomaterial(s) used, the safety data sheet (SDS) is the best starting point for information SDSs may contain important worker health and safety information : Hazards identification Composition / information on ingredients (including safety information on surface chemistry” to be indicated if the substance or mixture has certain dimensions in the nano range) Handling and storage Exposure controls and personal protection Basic physical and chemical properties (certain “appearance” properties need to be described for nanomaterials – size, size distribution, shape, surface area (m2/mass), surface charge and crystalline phase). It can be indicated here if the substance is supplied as nanomaterial, e.g. physical state: solid (nanomaterial). Toxicological information Disposal information Transport information Other information (for nanomaterials, this involves safety information on redox potential, radical formation potential and photocatalytic properties) Information on the hazardous properties of chemical agents at the workplace MAY be found through a number of sources: labels, SDSs, European Commission recommendations, occupational exposure limit values (although none have been identified yet at EU level for nanomaterials), and other sources such as scientific literature and public databases. We say that this information MAY be found in these sources because the is not necessarily provided since it may not yet be available, as we have already heard. Safety Data Sheets – SDSs – provide various types of information relevant to human health impacts, and most importantly to worker protection In red in this slide are the recommendations made by the European Chemicals Agency on what data is specifically needed for nanomaterials. As we have already heard, this data is not always available and there are still no internationally (or even EU) agreed standard methodologies for identifying some of these characteristics. National OELs exist: Germany: OEL for amorphous silicon dioxide NPs UK “benchmark levels”: pragmatic guidance • Insoluble NPs: 0.066xOEL of the corresponding microsized bulk material • Highly soluble material: 0.5xOEL • Carcinogenic, Mutagenic, Asthmagenic, Reprotoxic material (CMAR): 0.1xOEL • Fibrous material: 0.01 fibres/ml US – draft OEL for TiO2 NPs: 0.1mg/m3 ( Reference: ECHA guidance on compilation of safety data sheets ( Image: Date, location
4. Risk management measures After the elements of the risk assessment have been taken (hazard and exposure assessment), next comes risk management EU legislation provides general principles for preventing risks associated with hazardous chemicals* When nanomaterials cannot be eliminated from the workplace or substituted with less hazardous chemicals or ones that are not dangerous, some risk prevention and protection measures need to be assessed and put in place Based on the results of the risk assessment (which takes into consideration the hazard classifications or characterisation of the nanomaterial in question as well as key aspects of potential worker exposure – direct exposure? exposure length, etc.) risk management measures will need to be identified and put in place. Worth noting that, as knowledge including scientific studies and evidence are quickly evolving, risk assessments should be reviewed more regularly for nanomaterials (as for other emerging technologies) – the OECD report suggests every two years, but this should not be taken as an absolute period and can be done sooner Fundamental EU legislation on occupational health and safety as well as worker protection in relation to chemicals provides general principles for preventing risks associated with hazardous chemicals. As we will see briefly in the following slides, the hierarchy of risk management controls starts with the elimination of the hazardous substance and if this is not possible, then it’s substitution with less or not dangerous substances. Reference and image: OECD Harmonised Tiered Approach to Measure and Assess the Potential Exposure to Airborne Emissions of Engineered Nano-Objects and their Agglomerates and Aggregates at Workplaces * Directive 89/391/EEC and Directive 98/24/EC Date, location
4. Risk management measures … in brief detail Hierarchy of risk management measures: from elimination (of a hazardous substance) to its substitution to personal protective equipment (last) Due to continuing data gaps, hazard classifications of all nanomaterials are not available – the risk assessment should provide a classification for the nanomaterial/s used in the workplace according to the nanomaterial itself, transferring knowledge about similar substances and characteristics (e.g. dustiness), and worker exposure assessment The image in this slide shows the full hierarchy of risk management controls – elimination, substitution, engineering controls, administrative controls, and PPE or personal protective equipment. The pyramid is inversed because it shows where most effort should be focused and where measures are most effective, so elimination comes far before PPE. As there are still important gaps in information on the hazardousness of nanomaterials and on exposure in the workplace (but also consumer exposure and environmental exposure), each workplace considering the introduction of nanomaterials into its processes/products or those that have already introduced nanomaterials, needs to base its risk assessment for each nanomaterial based on existing peer-reviewed information, transferring knowledge from similar substances (for example, from the bulk material) and worker exposure testing. This analysis should result in a risk classification for each nanomaterial ACCORDING TO THE ACTIVITY WHICH COULD RESULT IN WORKER EXPOSURE TO NANOMATERIALS, which can look like this (MOUSE CLICK TO MAKE NEW IMAGE APPEAR) This table shows risk levels attributed to different nanomaterials based on different aspects of “severity” (or hazard – including nanomaterial diameter, its solubility, carcinogenicity, amongst others) and “probability” (or exposure – including estimated amount of nanomaterial used during the operation, dustiness of the operation, but also number of employees with similar exposure, amongst others). Here, RL means RISK LEVEL. For RL1 general ventilation can be used, for RL2 the use of fume hoods or LEV is recommended, RL3 needs containment; and RL4 requires specialist advice (for example from a toxicologist, occupational health expert, or another independent expert with knowledge of health impacts from exposure to hazardous substances). References: US Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health and National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Training Workers on Risks of Nanotechnology Image: Date, location
4. Some examples of risk management measures The US Occupational Safety and Health Administration funded work on a series of presentations on nanomaterials in the workplace Here are a number of images they include in the presentation on Controlling Exposures to Nanomaterials (most of which laboratory-based) The US website portal – GoodNanoGuide – is a good source of information on nanomaterials in the workplace. This information includes (very detailed) presentations on the list of issues presented in the slide: Introduction to nanomaterials and occupational health What workers need to know about nanomaterial toxicology Assessing workplace exposure to nanomaterials Controlling exposures Etc. The pictures that follow in the coming slides come from these sources of information Reference: Date, location
Carbon nanotubes are produced in these enclosed furnaces These furnaces are used to produce carbon nanotubes and are enclosed while production is underway. Reference: Module 4: Controlling Exposure to Nanomaterials Date, location
Broader view of manufacturing containment This shows the ventilation pulling from all of the furnaces up through a high-efficiency filter and then outside. Reference: Module 4: Controlling Exposure to Nanomaterials Date, location 4-15
Research containment Date, location A fully enclosed space giving research containment Reference: Module 4: Controlling Exposure to Nanomaterials Date, location
Use of gloveboxes for containment Gloveboxes are a type of containment that can contain work with raw nanoparticles. Point out the 25 mm cassette pulling air inside the box to determine how much gets airborne. Air sample Reference: Module 4: Controlling Exposure to Nanomaterials Date, location 4-17
Gloveboxes inside a “Nanoparticle Containment Room” TRAINER: USE INFORMATION DETAILS BELOW AS NEEDED ACCORDING TO AUDIENCE NEEDS Specialized Nanoparticle Containment Room for Carbon Nanotubes and Related materials Texas State University does not allow the use of carbon nanotubes in glove boxes with other materials, but instead isolate the operation in a portable clean room referred to as the ‘Nanoparticle Containment Room’. This room has been installed in one small room within the lab. The following are the highlights of this nanoparticle containment room. This is 8’ x 10’ hard-wall ready-made clean room This room maintains negative pressure and there is dedicated exhaust to this room (with blower on the roof). The filters used are ULPA (Ultra-Low Penetration Air) Filters rated 99.999% efficient with particles 0.12 microns (120 nm) in diameter. Traditional HEPA filters are good up to 0.3 microns (300 nm) with rated efficiency of 99.98%. Researchers who would like to use this room have to wear half-mask respirator, lab suit, and other personal protected equipment (PPE). All these people will have to pass ‘Pulmonary Function Test’ and undergo ‘Respirator Training.’ Reference: Module 4: Controlling Exposure to Nanomaterials Date, location 4-18
Work practices and PPE still needed when enclosures are opened Although we have shown excellent enclosures, it is critical to understand that all enclosures need to be opened to remove product, wastes or for maintenance and cleaning. Consequently, work practices are needed – so the technician here is wearing PPE Harvesting SWCNTs from a Carbon Arc Reactor Reference: Module 4: Controlling Exposure to Nanomaterials Date, location 4-19
Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) controls more hazardous exposures Here we see laboratory hoods with local exhaust ventilation to reduce (and ideally eliminate) release of nanomaterials outside the hood Hood levels (the bar at the bottom of the hood visor) need to be below face level of the worker/s so as to reduce inhalation and escape of nanomaterials into the air Reference: Module 4: Controlling Exposure to Nanomaterials Date, location
Personal Protective Equipment Overview Body Hand Eye Foot Respiratory Depending on the level of hazard and risk of working with nanomaterials, different types of PPE should be used for whole body, hand, eye, foot and lungs. Level A is a totally chemically impermeable suit with a SCBA (self-contained breathing apparatus) inside the suit for maximum protection. Level B is also a self-contained breathing apparatus, but it is worn outside the suit so chemical penetration isn’t as significant a threat. Level C is a protective garment, generally Tyvec with an air purifying respirator. Level D is just protective garment without a respirator. The answer is that workers who handle nanoparticles will either wear Level C or Level D. Level A Level B Level C Level D Reference: Module 4: Controlling Exposure to Nanomaterials Date, location
Tyvec is the most widely used body covering for nano operations This is a shot of a researcher who is about to perform some testing of a product containing nanoparticles. Note that he is wearing a half-face respirator with High Efficiency cartridges (purple) combined with ammonia protection (yellow). He is also wearing a personal sampling pump (out of view) attached to a 25 mm diameter cassette holding a 0.45 micron porosity mixed cellulose ester filter. The black cassette is taped in his breathing zone. Note, too, that he has donned his respirator before pulling up his hood. This is the correct way to do it, but you will see photos from NIOSH in this presentation where the straps are on the outside of the suit. You may want to ask the class whether he has put on his respirator correctly. The reason you should never wear the straps outside is you want to leave the respirator on until everything else has been removed so contamination can’t be accidentally dislodged from clothing and breathed. If straps are on the outside, it forces you to remove your respirator to take off the suit. Reference: Module 4: Controlling Exposure to Nanomaterials Date, location
Hand protection when working with nanoparticles Gloves should be worn when handling nanomaterials (dry or wet) Glove material thickness is a major determinant of the protection provided Need also to consider what other substances (e.g. solvents) may be present within the workplace environment Two layers of gloves is recommended when handling high concern nanomaterials Wear hand protection when working with nanoparticles. There is limited data indicating penetration of the skin by nanoparticles, but cuts in the skin may offer an easier path. Point out that disposable nitrile gloves are the most widely used because they provide protection against a wide range of chemicals, but it is important to check what glove is recommended for specific chemicals. This information can be found at most glove manufacturers’ websites. References: NIOSH Nanomaterial Production and Downstream Handling Processes EU DG Employment Guidance on the protection of the health and safety of workers from the potential risks related to nanomaterials at work - Guidance for employers and health and safety practitioners Date, location
Eye protection is also recommended Use of eye protection is recommended As a minimum, close fitting safety glasses should be used for all nanomaterials Eye protection may also be necessary. Ask when goggles would be preferred over safety glasses. You should get the answer that goggles prevent splashes from getting in the eyes much better than safety glasses. References: EU DG Employment Guidance on the protection of the health and safety of workers from the potential risks related to nanomaterials at work - Guidance for employers and health and safety practitioners Date, location
Use of respirators Respiratory protective equipment should only be used when all other reasonably practicable (collective) measures have been taken but have not achieved an adequate level of control If used with other measures (as a secondary precaution), disposable and half-masks should have an appropriate assigned protection factor (APF) For tasks requiring masks to be worn a longer time, use of powered air flow designs should be considered All workers required to wear respiratory protective equipment should undergo face-piece fit testing and training to ensure correct fitting and proper use Respiratory protective equipment should only be used when all other reasonably practicable (collective) measures have been taken but have not achieved an adequate level of control If used with other measures (as a secondary precaution), disposable and half-masks should have an appropriate assigned protection factor (APF) For tasks requiring masks to be worn a longer time, use of powered air flow designs should be considered All workers required to wear respiratory protective equipment should undergo face-piece fit testing and training to ensure correct fitting and proper use References: EU DG Employment Guidance on the protection of the health and safety of workers from the potential risks related to nanomaterials at work - Guidance for employers and health and safety practitioners Date, location
Other key elements This checklist was written for workplace activities with carcinogenic substances, which are applicable to nanomaterials Was a substitution test carried out? Is the result described in the risk assessment documentation? Has the use of a closed system been tested? Is the result described in the risk assessment documentation? Is the selection of technical protection measures in the risk assessment documentation? What was the level of exposure determined? With what result? Are ventilation system use requirements described in the risk assessment documentation? Has an action plan been drawn up to reduce stress? Is the plan implemented? Is there a list of potentially exposed workers? Are intensity, duration and frequency of stress documented? Is the long-term retention of the directory ensured? Are employees trained regularly with the operating instructions? Will they be informed of the extent of the cancer risk? Will they be informed of their right to information on occupational health checks? Is employee occupational health screening offered? The German Work and Health organisation (Arbeit und Gesundheit) prepared a checklist as part of its activities on the prevention of occupational cancer. The key elements are shown here in red: Was a substitution test carried out to see whether the nanomaterial could be replaced with a less hazardous substance? Has the use of a closed system been tested? Have the technical protection measures selected for worker protection been identified and detailed? What level of worker exposure was identified? Are requirements for the use of ventilation systems detailed in the risk assessment documentation? Has an action plan been prepared to help reduce stress (realising that workers who are exposed to hazardous substances are under more stress)? Is the plan implemented? Has a directory of potentially exposed workers been created? Will this directory been kept for the long-term – how long? Are employees trained regularly on operating instructions for the collective (and personal) protective equipment? Is employee occupational health screening offered? Reference: Date, location
Key points to retain Employers are responsible for the protection of worker health and safety Workers are legally entitled to be informed of an involved in company decision-making that relates to worker health and safety There are a number of elements relating to risk management (risk assessment steps, risk management steps, and risk communication with workers) Measurements of chemicals in the workplace are legally required to be taken, and it is possible to measure nanomaterial concentrations in the air So… Have these been respected in your company? Ensure that nanomaterials are included in your company’s risk assessment activities If no nanomaterial risk assessment has been done, then contact the labour inspectorate Employers are responsible for the protection of worker health and safety and need to ensure that workers are informed of and involved in company decisions that affect worker health and safety Risk management requires that a risk assessment be done on each nanomaterial used in the work place. Many risk assessment tools exist, and have been adapted specifically to nanomaterials, so your employer should already have done risk assessment as part of risk management activities before introducing nanomaterials into its business activities. Measurements of chemicals in the workplace are legally required through EU legislation (the Chemical Agents Directive), and it is technologically possible to measure nanomaterial concentrations and types in the air. So, Have these procedures and legal requirements been respected by your company? Are nanomaterials included in your company’s risk assessment activities? If you find (or already know) that nanomaterials are used in your workplace without the previous steps having been taken, call your labour inspectorate to highlight the situation to authorities and to better ensure that appropriate action will be taken by your employer Reference: Image: Date, location