The Renaissance Chapter 13 BACK TO EUROPE!
Start Up Why do you think many consider this the most famous painting in the world?
The rebirth of culture A revival of art and thinking
It began in Italy- WHY?
Why Italy? History – was once the center of the ancient Roman Empire
Why Italy? 2. Italian cities survived the middle ages
Why Italy? 3. Wealthy merchant class arose
A Patron A person who provides financial support to the arts
Florence The city at the center of the Renaissance
The Medici family Wealthiest merchant family in Florence One of the wealthiest families in Europe at the time The family controlled the Florentine government
Lorenzo the Magnificent A Medici family member Florentine politician and generous patron
Humanism Intellectual movement at the heart of the Italian Renaissance that focused on worldly subjects rather than on religious issues
Focused on the human experience
Created a spirit of adventure
Art Art always depicts the values of a culture
New art forms Perspective
New art forms shading
Artists study the human anatomy to paint and sculpt realistic forms
Architecture: Reject Gothic style of Medieval Times- Return to Greek and Roman use of Domes, Arches,and Columns
Start up List an example of a modern “Renaissance Man (or woman)”
Leonardo da Vinci Inventor, artist, botanist, musician, architect, and engineer
Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa
Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper
Leonardo da Vinci’s sketches
Michelangelo Sculptor, engineer, painter, architect and poet
Michelangelo’s Pieta
Michelangelo’s David
Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel
Raphael Artist and painter
Raphael’s The School of Athens
Raphael’s Madonna
Niccolo Machiavelli Wrote The Prince
The Prince A guide on how to gain and maintain power “the end justifies the means”
Renaissance Men Leonardo da Vinci Michelangelo Raphael Machiavelli Columbus Galileo Copernicus Shakespeare Martin Luther Gutenburg Issac Newton