LMI Field Guide for Veterans
Using online tools to assist veterans seeking work Overview: 1.) Military SOC codes can identify skill sets 2.) O*Net and Skill Explorer can identify civilian jobs that utilize similar skills 3.) My Skills My Future can identify local training opportunities
O*NET Online
Find Veterans prior job description using search
Military occupations start with major SOC group 55
NOTE: a general job search may bring up opportunities in different industries!
A search for aircraft found job titles in the following industries: Engineering, Education, Arts/Design, Sales, Maintenance/Repair, Production, Transportation/ Material Moving, & Military
Click occupation title to see job summary
Skill sets are listed as duties Air Crew Members Perform in-flight duties to ensure the successful completion of combat, reconnaissance, transport, and search and rescue missions. Duties include operating aircraft communications and detection equipment, including establishing satellite linkages and jamming enemy communications capabilities; conducting pre-flight, in-flight, and post-flight inspections of onboard equipment; operating and maintaining aircraft weapons and defensive systems; operating and maintaining aircraft in-flight refueling systems; executing aircraft safety and emergency procedures; computing and verifying passenger, cargo, fuel, and emergency and special equipment weight and balance data; and conducting cargo and personnel drops.
Advanced Search function
Browse by Skills
Choose skill level to search
Choose skill category
View occupations where that skill is a crucial requirement
Click occupational title to show what tasks are common
Scroll down to Job Openings field Enter Wisconsin
View current job openings
Explore training opportunities
View training opportunities
Another approach: crosswalk
Enter military branch and occupational experience
View job titles that match and click on desired match
Summary page: job openings / training links at bottom of page
Skill Explorer
Enter job experience and search for matches
Select job title that matches your desired occupation
Typical wages, education requirements, and openings Choose selection
View typical tasks, openings
Click Skills & Education to compare current / selected job
Click Open Jobs to view current openings
Wisconsins WORKnet
Job Seeker: search by county, occupation, employer, openings
Various Job Search Sites, local, state, or national
WI projected growth in the following occupations (prepared by WITS - Office of Economic Advisors) Further information is available via WORKnet in the Data Analyst: Query for projections OccupationNumber of openings ( ) Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations13,119 Production Occupations8,688 Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations4,888 Business and Financial Operations Occupations4,527 Personal Care and Service Occupations4,459 Healthcare Support Occupations2,590
Career One Stop, Veterans page Several helpful links
Veterans Re-employment Recorded Presentation
My Next Move For Veterans Recorded Presentation
Questions or Comments Sal Serio Phone: (608)