Welcome to Back-to- School Night !
Newsletters Come home MONTHLY! Please read over them with your student! Watch for the BONUS BOXES on them!
BOOK ORDERS Come home first of each month Make checks out to SCHOLASTIC BOOK CLUB. Earns Bonus Points for the Class to use (Prize drawings, books for library, etc.) Understand that not every month or even every other month can buy, but watch for $1 books- encourage kids to save for them, what ever- let them know you VALUE reading!
RULES and EXPECTATIONS! Rules are posted at front of room Others are discussed in class (bathroom, etc) Expectations are being reviewed and taught all year long RESPECT, RESPECT, RESPECT! Safe Learning Environment- –No Bullying, name calling, etc. –Okay to make mistakes –Praise in public, reprove in private
Class Work Curriculum- –M–Math- Everyday Math. More Smoothly this year. –S–Science- Micro-organisms, Heat-Light-Sound, Solar System –S–Social Studies- Ancient Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Rome & Greece, Medieval, Europe, World Geography, County Reports (In Spring) –W–Writing- Writers Workshop, Grammar, Spelling (No lists to memorize). –A–Art & Music- Follow CORE –P–PE & Health- Physical Education- not just games! Quality Work= BEST effort on EVERY assignment Late Work- –O–Occasionally okay- But MUST be made up/turned in. –F–Frequent (more than once a week) will result in a call so you know IF weekly grade reports are not being returned. –W–Work out a way to help your student be successful!
HOME WORK! Hopefully, very little Written in Planner (Please sign EVERYDAY!) Every MONDAY (or 1 st day of week): –Parent/Student Read –DUE on FRIDAY! Required EVERY weekday night- –20 Minutes (MINIMUM) of reading (Parent Student Read, Newsletters, Science, and Social Studies Reading count towards this) –20 Minutes of Exercise for PE (Bike, Tramp, Hiking, Exercise, etc.) –Any work not finished in class (Time Management) –If not understood and student has tried, write note and return it to me. I will help the student before/after school or at recess
Book Reports Every month starting in September Odd numbered students present one week, Evens the next Must be book on students reading level, and must be PRE-approved by me! See Handout- Over 15 ways to do book reports, EXCEPTION- Cant do same one twice!
Weekly Grade Report EVERY Monday (except the 1 st Monday following report cards) Will have current grades and attached will be a missing assignments sheet (if any) MUST be signed by a parent and returned- it IS tracked! 2 weeks missing, will result in call to you!
Student Council Applications will come home on Sept. 1 st New Format this year Great Opportunity I am Advisor as well as Kalynn F. Encourage your student to apply. Go Bears !
Student Council Funds Please Save your BOX TOPS! Find some way of collecting that works for you! Earns 10 ¢ Each Also collecting Campbells Soup Labels for Education- Earn Points for Equipment Tyson A+ Project Chicken and Meat Product Labels- Earns 24 ¢ Each And USED Inkjet Cartridges- Earns $$$$ for our Student Council! Collection Bins in the Front Hallway across from the Office! Thanks for your Support!
Conclusion At first P/T Conference you will get the user name and password to access your students grades on-line (as well and remaining lunch money, absences, and tardies) Same as High School setup. Please feel free to stop by and visit anytime (?s before or after school please) Have student here at 7:55am ready to learn! Any Questions about information tonight? Thanks for coming tonight, Please leave completed student info page with me!