Team Working No one person can be expected to perform a significant number of complex tasks without suffering some degradation in overall performance and output. A well-constructed and balanced team will outperform even the most able individual when presented with a complex requirement that involves the discharge of many different tasks and activities to achieve it. Developing good teams, with the right fit of skills, knowledge and experience, and motivated and unified by a strong sense of purpose, is the key to achieving significant improvements in business capability, for little extra operational cost. Back to TopGo to Details This is what you will go to Clicking on the Competency title in the list of competencies will take you to a Thumbnail Sketch that explains why that particular competency is important to the business, and what the likely benefits are to the business if that competency is adopted. This is not an exhaustive or comprehensive description, but is intended to give the reader an idea of why the business has adopted that competency, and how the competency might complement and support the role being described or discussed. Clicking on the Competency title in the list of competencies will take you to a Thumbnail Sketch that explains why that particular competency is important to the business, and what the likely benefits are to the business if that competency is adopted. This is not an exhaustive or comprehensive description, but is intended to give the reader an idea of why the business has adopted that competency, and how the competency might complement and support the role being described or discussed.
Team Working No one person can be expected to perform a significant number of complex tasks without suffering some degradation in overall performance and output. A well-constructed and balanced team will outperform even the most able individual when presented with a complex requirement that involves the discharge of many different tasks and activities to achieve it. Developing good teams, with the right fit of skills, knowledge and experience, and motivated and unified by a strong sense of purpose, is the key to achieving significant improvements in business capability, for little extra operational cost. Back to TopGo to Details Team Working Back to TopGo to ThumbnailGo to Examples Works in close co-operation with others. Shows commitment to team goals Manages personal priorities and work demands to optimise individual contribution to team performance Contributes to the maintenance and development of the team. Seeks and uses the ideas and effort of own team members and other teams to achieve better performance. Creates and manages an effective cross-functional team. Is a capable facilitator/member of cross-functional or external supplier and/or customer partnerships. Clicking on the Go to Details box will call up the Detailed Descriptions section for that Competency. This is a series of five progressional descriptors that range from relative inexperience (novice) to significant experience and capability (mastery). As a rough guide only, Level 3 would be very approximately where a team leader, supervisor, or newly appointed manager might be expected to perform, level 5 would be a very senior manager or technical expert. This is only approximate though and many roles will have a mix of competencies and differing levels within that mix, to properly complement and support the activities described within the Job Definition. Clicking on the Go to Details box will call up the Detailed Descriptions section for that Competency. This is a series of five progressional descriptors that range from relative inexperience (novice) to significant experience and capability (mastery). As a rough guide only, Level 3 would be very approximately where a team leader, supervisor, or newly appointed manager might be expected to perform, level 5 would be a very senior manager or technical expert. This is only approximate though and many roles will have a mix of competencies and differing levels within that mix, to properly complement and support the activities described within the Job Definition. Team Working CLICK !
Team Working Back to TopGo to Thumbnail Go to Examples Works in close co-operation with others. Shows commitment to team goals Manages personal priorities and work demands to optimise individual contribution to team performance Contributes to the maintenance and development of the team. Seeks and uses the ideas and effort of own team members and other teams to achieve better performance. Creates and manages an effective cross-functional team. Is a capable facilitator/member of cross-functional or external supplier and/or customer partnerships. Contributes to the maintenance and development of the team. Seeks and uses the ideas and effort of own team members and other teams to achieve better performance. Clicking on the Go to Examples Box will bring up a further series of boxes, where each level in the series of five series of progressional descriptors is in turn described as a series of Observable Outcomes. These Observations may be used for a variety of purposes, from checking on own behaviours, through coaching, developing training outcomes, to being used as indicators and measures of job performance. Clicking on the Go to Examples Box will bring up a further series of boxes, where each level in the series of five series of progressional descriptors is in turn described as a series of Observable Outcomes. These Observations may be used for a variety of purposes, from checking on own behaviours, through coaching, developing training outcomes, to being used as indicators and measures of job performance. Level C Contributes to the maintenance and development of the team. Seeks and uses the ideas and effort of own team members and other teams to achieve better performance. Encourages mutual support and self-management between team members, focusing others on shared team priorities. Is able to provide advice and other assistance to peers and own team members on team development issues. Uses team review and other facilitated processes to examine the contributions of individual team members to team outputs and objectives. Takes account of the viewpoints, motivations, and feelings of team members, and uses this knowledge to develop an effective framework of action within the team. Develops team spirit and helps build team morale. Competency: Team WorkingExamples of Observable Outcomes
Team Working Back to TopGo to Thumbnail Go to Examples Works in close co-operation with others. Shows commitment to team goals Manages personal priorities and work demands to optimise individual contribution to team performance Contributes to the maintenance and development of the team. Seeks and uses the ideas and effort of own team members and other teams to achieve better performance. Creates and manages an effective cross-functional team. Is a capable facilitator/member of cross-functional or external supplier and/or customer partnerships. Contributes to the maintenance and development of the team. Seeks and uses the ideas and effort of own team members and other teams to achieve better performance. Level C Contributes to the maintenance and development of the team. Seeks and uses the ideas and effort of own team members and other teams to achieve better performance. Encourages mutual support and self-management between team members, focusing others on shared team priorities. Is able to provide advice and other assistance to peers and own team members on team development issues. Uses team review and other facilitated processes to examine the contributions of individual team members to team outputs and objectives. Takes account of the viewpoints, motivations, and feelings of team members, and uses this knowledge to develop an effective framework of action within the team. Develops team spirit and helps build team morale. Competency: Team WorkingExamples of Observable Outcomes BACK Clicking on this box will return you to the Title Page where you will find the complete listing of Core and Elective Competencies. Clicking on this box will return you to the Thumbnail Sketch box, from which you can again click on Back to Top to return you to the Title Page Clicking on this BACK box at the top of the Observable Outcomes page will take you back to the Detailed Descriptions section, from which you can go to the Title Page or the appropriate Thumbnail Sketch.
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