4 th Sunday of Advent
God fulfills his promise in an incredible way: He invites us to allow ourselves to be surprised so His Son Jesus can continue to be for the holy people that we are, Emmanuel, « God with us. »
We are only three days away from the great feast of Christmas. Will these three days suffice for us to finish our preparations ? There is so much to do from now until Christmas that risk forgetting the one who should be at the heart of this Festival: Jesus, the Son of God, who comes among us as a fragile little child.
The Son of Mary, adopted by Joseph, who comes to remind us that God, our Father is not a threatening being. By the presence of this Child, the Father of Jesus, who is also our Father, simply wants to be « God with us. »
The Lord desires nothing other than to be « God with us.» He wants to support us, to walk with us, to become once again our God! And this is precisely why he sends his Son to pitch his tent among us.
«The Lord himself will give you a sign: Behold, a young woman who is with child, she shall bear a son, and he shall be called Emmanuel, that is to say: « God with us. »
God not only gives us signs but he likes to surprise us. The Gospel reading tells us that: « Mary the mother of Jesus was betrothed to Joseph; but, before they lived together, she was with child by the action of the Holy Spirit. »
Even today, God wants to surprise us. Will we be attentive and open to the signs he gives us? Through the night of our world, God continues to bring forth his light in Jesus his Son.
Christmas is much more than remembering an event from the past. It is also an invitation to allow Christ be born in our hearts so that we can once again become this holy people awaiting the Lord's return resurrected at the end of times.
In order to recognize the sign God gives us, let us be guided by Josephs spiritual experience. It is important that, with the help of Gods grace, we move from surprise to faith. « When Joseph awoke, he took her as his wife.»
Lord, when Mary, the mother of Jesus, was with child, you invited Joseph her spouse, to be at the service of your Sons mystery: " « Do not be afraid to take Mary as your spouse: the child begotten in her is of the Holy Spirit. » " Give us the same faith and the same courage as Joseph.
Teach us, as you did with Mary and Joseph, how to greet your Son with love and how to give him once again the world, he who is God-with-us and who saves the world.