“Biological explanation of Aggression” Anti-Social Behaviour “Biological explanation of Aggression”
Recap: ‘Are we born aggressive or do we learn to be’? ‘What purpose would it serve if we were born that way?’ ‘If we learn it, how do we learn?’
Need a Glossary! There are lots of really important key words that are quite complicated…. ….my advice is to create a glossary (either a book, a list..)
If we are born aggressive then what makes us that way If we are born aggressive then what makes us that way? One idea is that the cause is our hormones. It is generally acceptable that men are more aggressive and hormones are to blame. Men have much more testosterone than women which is said to cause aggression. Chemicals produced by the human body that send signals to organs around the body via the bloodstream
The idea that hormones are to blame is The idea that hormones are to blame is... 1) supported by the finding that violent criminals have higher testosterone than non-violent criminals 2) A Chromosomal abnormality; a higher than normal proportion of violent men have an extra Y Chromosome (a sex chromosome)
Diagram of the brain, highlighting the limbic system This part of the brain controls behaviours and stops us from being aggressive. Prefrontal Cortex It knows when instinctive behaviour is appropriate and when it is not. Limbic System Brain Stem Aggression, like other instinctive behaviour, seems to be associated with the Limbic System. This is part of the brain involves emotion and influences things like eating, sexual behaviour and aggression.
Brain disease affecting the Limbic System or the Prefrontal cortex may also lead to abnormally high levels of aggression Case study In 1966, Charles Whitman, climbed up the clock tower at the University of Texas and shot 12 people with a High Powered Rifle. This was the last of a series of very aggressive acts he committed throughout his adult life. After he was killed by Texas rangers, a Post-Mortem revealed he had a tumour pressing on the part of the brain that causes aggressive behaviour, the Limbic System. If research has shown that Brain damage or other biological factors have lead to aggressive behaviour, can we conclude that the person who acts this way is not responsible? - How should the law treat people who are violent if its not their fault? http://www.popsubculture.com/pop/bio_project/charles_whitman.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTU5lPzKvjI
Recap Hands up “What have you learnt in this lesson that you didn't know before?” .....Choose another person to answer