Problem: Sexism Mini-Project AP Psychology 2nd block (B-day) By: Chloe Dolin, Naeemah Cannie, Nicolas Cruz, and Akaya Lewis Each perspective needs to have a key which describes what the perspective focuses on, a cause describing the cause of the problem based on the perspective and a proposed solution based on this perspective as well. Each of us needs two perspectives besides one of us who will get one perspective.
What is sexism? Sexism is the discrimination against a specific gender by another. Sexism has been occurring for centuries among people. Sexism is specifically against women. Sexism has existed for as long as people have been around because men were viewed as stronger or superior to women.
Perspective: Biological Keys: Focuses on how our biology influences our behaviors. Causes: The biological causes of sexism are pertaining to the differences in the structures of males and females. Males and females have different chemical and anatomical makeups. These differences have contributed to the beliefs that males are superior to females. The chemical differences are in the hormones, the main difference being testosterone in males and estrogen in females. Testosterone is responsible for certain male behaviors that make them believe they are superior to females because testosterone makes them stronger than estrogen makes females. Anatomically males and females have different bone structures, different sized brains, and a different concentration of muscles. Males have a larger brain than females which has furthered the belief that they are above females and are stronger because of them having more muscles than females which also furthered the belief. Proposed Solution: A possible solution to this problem would be to educate everyone about how just because males and females are biologically different in some ways it does not make one sex superior over the other.
Perspective: Evolutionary Keys: Focuses on how natural selection affects the behaviors and mental processes. Causes: Sexism started and has existed as long as humans. It started with women being seen as weaker than men, and had to stay in the homes and gather food while the men hunted. Over time, as humans bettered the environment and their circumstances the belief that one sex was superior to the other stayed even though humans adapted, or changed. The belief was predominantly expressed through women not having as many rights and a lower social standing than men. Sexism continued to be believed because men were more adapted for survival than women. Which caused women to be dependent on men. Proposed Solution: This problem can be solved by dismissing the belief that men are superior to women especially as people continue to adapt and change.
Perspective: Psychodynamic Keys: Focuses on forces at work with the individual and early childhood experiences. Causes: From Early childhood, a young boy could be seeing on television and other media examples of families where the men are shown as superior to women. Being exposed to such things might subconsciously instill those ideas into the child. Throughout their entire life, someone could have socialized with irrational people of the opposite sex. Once your mind has formed an opinion on a whole group, or just someone in general, it becomes hard to change that. Subconsciously you choose to notice information that supports your opinion and ignore what doesn’t. (Rachael Murphy, Boston University) Proposed Solution: People as a whole should make better decisions about whom to socialize with, as these people are what form your opinions of others Nick
Perspective: Behavioral Keys: Focuses on how behaviors can be explained through learning. Causes: Based on the beliefs of sexism, it has caused many changes in the behaviors of both men and women. Although sexism still exists today, it has came along way. The sexism beliefs and stereotypes have fueled success amongst women because they are now given more positions and participate in protests regarding women’s rights. Sexism within the workplace can cause a change in behavior because it creates an environment of fear and mistreatment. This also can lead to under performance, lower self esteem and a feeling of disvalue due to the gender discrimination. The “superiority of men” and societal power can escalate to emotional, physical and verbal abuse. Proposed Solution: The solution is to promote awareness of sexism and also continue support groups and protests for women and their rights.
Perspective: Cognitive Keys: To communicate emotion from a bias standpoint Causes: For women we have been lowered to a certain position in society. Women of course have been put in a place where we are downgraded and put down because we are not so called stronger than men physically, and mentally. This has been around for a very long time as we evolved. All human beings have gender stereotypes in their brain. Just evolution itself can be the blame for this conclusion Proposed Solution: We as women should prove these people wrong and take a stand on what we can actually do as women and women alone. Fight back!!!!!! Presentation notes are almost done!!!!
Perspective: Social-cultural Keys: Focuses on how social and environmental factors affect our behaviors and thinking. Causes: The causes of the social-cultural perspective in sexism are based on economy and the attitudes formed in society. In some Islamic cultures, women wear veils over their face which can escalate the idea of obscurity and inferiority amongst men. Within most countries, majority of the muslim culture believe that wife must obey their husbands. Based on Christianity and other religions, women are supposed to submit to their husbands. Women have been subjected to specific gender roles due to religion, culture and society influencing those ideas through pay discrimination and unequal opportunities. The social pressures rising from sexism have linked to many psychological issues within women. The personal biases and sexists beliefs result in internalization affected young women's perception of themselves based on how it's presented in the media. Proposed Solution: The solution to this problem is to recognize women as essential to the growth of our nation. Also by expanding the job opportunities and roles of women based on the needs of society and according to their character, not gender, physical attributes or “social status”
Perspective: Humanistic Keys: Focuses on the human as a whole and our conscious choices. Causes:According to a study by Case Western Reserve University and San Francisco State University, entitlement in men and women could predict sexism. Entitled men saw women as manipulative and untrustworthy, and entitled women believed that women were frail and needed special care from men. Proposed Solution: While entitlement is not a direct cause of sexism, it seems it would help to do away with such feelings as they are a way to predict sexism in people. Nick
Sources judgmental-behind-cognitive-bias-and-prejudice/ edicts_sexism_in_both_men_and_women society-women-in-society/ workplace-18256.html