Go through course syllabus and classroom policies Create gmail account ( should have done in homeroom Send to Ms. Howard with the following info Your name Class and period Do you have internet at home? Yes or no Send to Computer skills
Right click on desk top Scroll down and click New Then click on Folder A folder will appear on the desk top with a text box below the folder Name the folder Esst. to English then click enter Next double click on the folder to open the folder in a new window. We will create individual folders within the main class folder.
We will create 5 folders inside the main class folder. To create the folders: Right click in the new window Scroll to new and click folder Then name the folder Repeat for each of the 5 folders Names for the folders Vocabulary Class work Homework Journal Notes
Now I will check for Your folders. STOP
Most assignments in this class will be done on a word document. To create a word document complete the following: Click the start button Click on microsoft word document This will open your word document. Now you are ready to type. ALWAYS REMEMBER TO SAVE, SAVE, SAVE!!! Word documents can be attached to s you will send to me with your work.
We will ALWAYS USE SAVE AS for saving all work to prevent files being deleted. To save a file by SAVE AS Go to file Scroll down to save as and click on save as Now you can name your file and not change the original.
Most of your work will be sent to me via . We will practice attaching and sending an . Lets begin: Create a new word document with the following written inside test attachment and your name Save the word document by saving file name test in your main class folder Now open your gmail account and click new to create a new
In the to field box type in my In the subject field box type Attachment test In the body of the type the following: Your name Message about attachment Now lets add your attachment
When you have finished your you are then ready to add the attachment. Under the subject field box, you will see a paper clip and the words attach a file. Click this button then find file and attach. Once your file is attached remember to send the .