So You Want to be an Inventor? Lesson 16 Day 1
Read Aloud: Listening Comprehension Today I will read a passage from a nonfiction book about 4 young inventors Remember that nonfiction text: tells about real people, events, or situations. is meant to provide information in an interesting way. Listen for information as I read “Up in Smoke” One purpose for listening is to learn what new idea the young inventors came up with.
A controversy is an issue that people have conflicting opinions about.
Discussion Give one fact you know about airplanes. Then give an opinion about airplanes.
Focus Skill: Fact and Opinion
should, must be, best, worst, I think, & I believe Some words and phrases that signal an opinion are: should, must be, best, worst, I think, & I believe
Fact Opinion Let’s Practice Turn to page 411 Read the passage in the blue box and decided one fact and one opinion…. Decide what evidence supports these statements. Fact Opinion Evidence
Let’s see our vocabulary words for the week:
tinker When you tinker with something, you try to fix or adjust it.
hoaxer Someone who tries to trick people is a hoaxer.
trampled If you trampled something, you stepped on it very hard and damaged it.
forged If you forged something together, you did it with great effort and you hope it lasts a long time.
perfect To perfect something is to improve it so that it is the best it can be.
quest A quest is a journey with a specific purpose.
barriers Barriers are objects or people that keep you from moving ahead.
Lesson 16 Spelling Words Words Ending with /əl/ tropical animal April arrival trample bottle camel capital couple swivel festival gentle level national normal tremble puddle rebel single tunnel Challenge Words: civil snorkel double dribble original
Time for Literacy Stations