Changes to the New York State Assessments Stratford Presentation 2010 Eileen Vota 1
Commissioner David M. Steiner created new cut scores in an effort to raise the achievement bar. These decisions were based on research that analyzed how the grade 3-8 state assessments relate to the National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) exam, performance of Regents exams to SAT scores, and how results of Regents exams relate to the first year performance in college. 2
Proficiency Levels Level 1: Below Standard Student performance does not demonstrate an understanding of the English language arts knowledge and skills or mathematics content expected at this grade level Level 2: Meets Basic Standard Student performance demonstrates a partial understanding of the English language arts knowledge and skills or mathematics content expected at this grade level Level 3: Meets Proficiency Standard Student performance demonstrates an understanding of the English language arts knowledge and skills or mathematics content at this grade level Level 4: Exceeds Proficiency Standard Student performance demonstrates a thorough understanding of the English language art knowledge and skills or mathematics content expected at this grade level 3
ELA Cut Scores Grade 3Grade 4Grade 5 Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level
Math Cut Scores Grade 3Grade 4Grade 5 Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level
Spring 2010 NYS Assessments Stratford Avenue School 6
ELA Results 7
Math Results 8
How have the assessments change? 9
Format for the 2011 ELA Assessment Multiple choice – students will select the corrected response from four answer choices Short responses – students will write an answer to an open ended question Extended responses - students will write an answer to an open ended question; the response will be scored for writing as well as for reading comprehension Graphic organizers The editing paragraph and the two extended responses will no longer be used to assess writing mechanics. Instead the multiple choice questions will include questions assessing students knowledge of grammar, punctuation, and word usage. 10
Reading Assessments at every grade level will contain both literary and informational reading passages The genres are: 1. Folktales 2. Reports 3. Letters 4. Stories 5. Informative pieces 6. Poems 7. Literary pieces 8. Interviews 9. How-to pieces 10. Classical works 11. plays A minimum of four genres will be used for each assessment Each component of the ELA Assessment 11
Listening Students will listen to a passages read aloud and apply skills and knowledge learned in the classroom to comprehension questions. Writing The reading/writing section will consist of four short response questions and one extended response question. The students will be required to demonstrate three types of writing: narrative, persuasive, and informative. The writing will be evaluated on how well the writing addresses the task and demonstrates understanding of the passages. 12
Formats for the 2011 Math Assessment The mathematics assessment will contain: multiple choice short response and extended responses Additional information will be provided late fall for the classroom teachers 13
So how do we continue on our road to success? The classroom teachers use the follow items to drive their instruction program: New York State Standards Curriculum mapping Formal and informal assessments Collecting and analyzing data Pearson Math assessments Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessments in grade 2 and 3 during the year. Training for teachers in grade 4 and 5. ERB Writing Assessment (WRaP) in grade 3 AIS services address targeted areas and progress monitor 14
Questions 15
Helpful websites: day&pid=20&fieldSelect-county=Nassau&order=district&desc=no&q day&pid=20&fieldSelect-county=Nassau&order=district&desc=no&q day&pid=19&fieldSelect-county=Nassau&order=district&desc=no&q day&pid=19&fieldSelect-county=Nassau&order=district&desc=no&q 16