A Family Engagement Web


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Presentation transcript:

A Family Engagement Web (Basic) Transparent light effect To reproduce one of the shapes on this slide, do the following: On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout and then click Blank. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Gradient fill in the Fill pane, and then do the following: On the Home tab, in the bottom right corner of the Drawing group, click the Format Shape dialog box launcher. In the Format Shape dialog box, click Line Color in the left pane, and then select No line in the Line Color pane. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Shapes, and then under Basic Shapes click Oval (first row, second option from the left). Press and hold SHIFT to constrain the shape to a circle, and then drag to draw a circle on the slide. Also under Gradient stops, customize the gradient stops that you added as follows: Under Gradient stops, click Add gradient stop or Remove gradient stop until three stops appear in slider. Click the button next to Direction, and then click From Center (third option from the left). In the Type list, select Radial. Select the first stop in the slider, and then do the following: In the Transparency box, enter 80%. In the Position box, enter 0%. Select the second stop in the slider, and then do the following: Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors click Dark Blue, Text 2, Lighter 60% (third row, fourth option from the left). In the Position box, enter 50%. Select the third stop in the slider, and then do the following: In the Transparency box, enter 70%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Dark Blue, Text 2, Lighter 40% (fourth row, fourth option from the left). On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Shape Effects, point to Soft Edges, and then click 10 Point. In the Transparency box, enter 100%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors click Dark Blue, Text 2, Lighter 40% (fourth row, fourth option from the left). In the Position box, enter 100%. To reproduce the other shapes on this slide, do the following: On the slide, drag the circles to position them at random intervals. For each circle, press and hold SHIFT and then drag the adjustment handles to resize as needed. Select the circle on the slide. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow under Copy, and then click Duplicate. Repeat this process to create a total of 10 circles. To reproduce the different color and transparency effects in each of the shapes, do the following: In the Format Shape dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Gradient fill in the Fill pane. Under the Gradient stops, click Add gradient stop or Remove gradient stop until three stops appear in the slider, and then do the following: Select the shape. On the Home tab, in the bottom right corner of the Drawing group, click the Format Shape dialog box launcher. For the first and third (small circle below larger circle) circles from the left: In the Transparency box, enter 90%. In the Transparency box, enter 85%. For the fourth circle from the left (large circle above third circle): For the second circle from the left, do not change the Gradient stops settings in the Format Shape dialog box. For the fifth circle from the left: In the Transparency box, enter 88%. In the Transparency box, enter 71%. For the sixth circle from the left: In the Transparency box, enter 84%. Click the button next to Color, click More Colors, and then in the Colors dialog box, on the Custom tab, enter values for Red: 227, Green: 209, Blue: 143. Click the button next to Color, click More Colors, and then in the Colors dialog box, on the Custom tab, enter values for Red: 223, Green: 205, Blue: 75. For the seventh circle from the left: Click the button next to Color, click More Colors, and then in the Colors dialog box, on the Custom tab, enter values for Red: 214, Green: 195, Blue: 84. In the Transparency box, enter 60%. For the ninth circle from the left (small brown circle below larger blue circle): For the eighth circle from the left, do not change the Gradient stops settings in the Format Shape dialog box. For the tenth circle from the left (large blue circle above ninth circle): In the Transparency box, enter 74%. To reproduce the background on this slide, do the following: Right-click the slide background area, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Gradient fill in the Fill pane, and then do the following: Under Gradient stops, click Add gradient stop or Remove gradient stop until two stops appear in the slider. Click the button next to Color, and then click Black, Text 1 (first row, second option from the left). In the Position box, enter 99%. Click the button next to Color, click More Colors, and then in the Colors dialog box, on the Custom tab, enter values for Red: 65, Green: 68, Blue: 97. Kevin McClure, LCPC, Illinois Licensed Teacher Lisa Ward, Illinois Licensed Teacher


ISBE Family Engagement Let’s talk for a moment about Family Engagement from the state board’s perspective Starting in 2008, an inter-departmental group began linking existing national research, current legislation, funding requirements into what would be adopted in 2015 as the ISBE Family Engagement Framework – A guide for Illinois district, schools and families. One of the critical components is the coalescence of information into four principals, each with specific standards and descriptors. This document has extensive connections to support districts and schools in their family engagement efforts – Some of which is already being done across the state with growing national recognition. In fact, in the southern part of Illinois, an elementary school was earned a national PTA award for their relationships with families and the community. https://www.isbe.net/Pages/Family-Engagement-Framework-Guide.aspx Go to ISBE.net, type in the search bar family engagement framework guide

ISBE Family Engagement http://il-fss.org While the drastic overhaul of the ISBE website is a welcomed entry into today’s web design, content is still sometimes difficult to find for our families. Therefore, in efforts to continue supporting family specific needs, ISBE and UofI has launched Family and School Success at www.il-fss.org. This website supports efforts to align district and school resources and information through the lens of family engagement framework.

Action Guides for SYSTEMS ISBE Family Engagement Action Guides for Families Action Guides for SYSTEMS And if that wasn’t a fantastic treasure for districts and schools, our team at IL Classrooms in Action took those resources one step further and created ‘grade band’ Family Engagement Action Guides… One set for supporting systems and one set supporting families. Family Action Guides share information on Illinois learning standards, balanced assessment, and supporting schools in family friendly language. Systems Action Guides offer supports for each of the four framework principles which is how we’ve arranged the remainder of today’s presentation around web-based family engagement supports.

Four Principles Develop a Family Engagement System Build a welcoming and supportive environment Enhance communication Include parents in decision making

Web Focus on project management tools Create/Monitor Feedback Loops Develop a Family Engagement System Build a welcoming and supportive environment Enhance communication Include parents in decision making Focus on project management tools OFFICE 365 Google Sites/Drive Trello Create/Monitor Feedback Loops Today’s Meet Poll Daddy Get Kahoot

Web Focus on ease of use and access to all Develop a Family Engagement System Build a welcoming and supportive environment Enhance communication Include parents in decision making Focus on ease of use and access to all Block Posters My Ebook Maker Draw.io Translation of signage, documents, policies, etc. Google Translate Bing Microsoft Translator

Web Focus on teacher – family interactions Remind Easel.ly Classtag Develop a Family Engagement System Build a welcoming and supportive environment Enhance communication Include parents in decision making Focus on teacher – family interactions Remind Easel.ly Classtag Appear.in Appear.in – increase parent/teacher conferences and face to face communication through free video meeting service

Web Focus on family decision making – where/how/when Develop a Family Engagement System Build a welcoming and supportive environment Enhance communication Include parents in decision making Focus on family decision making – where/how/when Poll Everywhere Scribblar Classtag Consensus Workshops – Technology of Participation However you gather input from your families, be sure to GIVE feedback… share portions of data from every survey back with participants – which helps to add value to the input given. Whatever family engagement annual assessment you use… Prepare families in their understanding of how their responses impact the school/district/community… ToP Facilitation Answer Garden Answer Pad https://icausa.memberclicks.net/courses

Web ilclassroomsinaction.org ilclassroomtech.weebly.com 10 min Develop a Family Engagement System Build a welcoming and supportive environment Enhance communication Include parents in decision making 10 min OK, now your turn to explore Family Engagement materials we brought for you Websites that we’ve organized by FE Framework principles Ask either of us some 1:1 questions or for support Go to the motherload of district/school support @ ilclassroomsinaction.org ilclassroomtech.weebly.com

i l c l a s s r o o m s i n a c t i o n . o r g i l c l a s s r o o m t e c h . weebly.com

THANK YOU Transparent light effect (Basic) To reproduce one of the shapes on this slide, do the following: On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout and then click Blank. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Shapes, and then under Basic Shapes click Oval (first row, second option from the left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Gradient fill in the Fill pane, and then do the following: On the Home tab, in the bottom right corner of the Drawing group, click the Format Shape dialog box launcher. In the Format Shape dialog box, click Line Color in the left pane, and then select No line in the Line Color pane. Press and hold SHIFT to constrain the shape to a circle, and then drag to draw a circle on the slide. In the Type list, select Radial. Also under Gradient stops, customize the gradient stops that you added as follows: Under Gradient stops, click Add gradient stop or Remove gradient stop until three stops appear in slider. Click the button next to Direction, and then click From Center (third option from the left). Select the first stop in the slider, and then do the following: Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors click Dark Blue, Text 2, Lighter 60% (third row, fourth option from the left). In the Position box, enter 0%. Select the second stop in the slider, and then do the following: In the Transparency box, enter 80%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Dark Blue, Text 2, Lighter 40% (fourth row, fourth option from the left). In the Position box, enter 50%. Select the third stop in the slider, and then do the following: In the Transparency box, enter 70%. In the Position box, enter 100%. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Shape Effects, point to Soft Edges, and then click 10 Point. In the Transparency box, enter 100%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors click Dark Blue, Text 2, Lighter 40% (fourth row, fourth option from the left). To reproduce the other shapes on this slide, do the following: Select the circle on the slide. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow under Copy, and then click Duplicate. Repeat this process to create a total of 10 circles. For each circle, press and hold SHIFT and then drag the adjustment handles to resize as needed. On the slide, drag the circles to position them at random intervals. To reproduce the different color and transparency effects in each of the shapes, do the following: In the Format Shape dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Gradient fill in the Fill pane. Under the Gradient stops, click Add gradient stop or Remove gradient stop until three stops appear in the slider, and then do the following: Select the shape. On the Home tab, in the bottom right corner of the Drawing group, click the Format Shape dialog box launcher. For the first and third (small circle below larger circle) circles from the left: In the Transparency box, enter 90%. In the Transparency box, enter 85%. For the fourth circle from the left (large circle above third circle): For the second circle from the left, do not change the Gradient stops settings in the Format Shape dialog box. For the fifth circle from the left: In the Transparency box, enter 88%. In the Transparency box, enter 71%. For the sixth circle from the left: In the Transparency box, enter 84%. Click the button next to Color, click More Colors, and then in the Colors dialog box, on the Custom tab, enter values for Red: 227, Green: 209, Blue: 143. Click the button next to Color, click More Colors, and then in the Colors dialog box, on the Custom tab, enter values for Red: 223, Green: 205, Blue: 75. Click the button next to Color, click More Colors, and then in the Colors dialog box, on the Custom tab, enter values for Red: 214, Green: 195, Blue: 84. For the seventh circle from the left: In the Transparency box, enter 60%. For the ninth circle from the left (small brown circle below larger blue circle): For the eighth circle from the left, do not change the Gradient stops settings in the Format Shape dialog box. For the tenth circle from the left (large blue circle above ninth circle): In the Transparency box, enter 74%. To reproduce the background on this slide, do the following: Right-click the slide background area, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Gradient fill in the Fill pane, and then do the following: Under Gradient stops, click Add gradient stop or Remove gradient stop until two stops appear in the slider. Click the button next to Color, click More Colors, and then in the Colors dialog box, on the Custom tab, enter values for Red: 65, Green: 68, Blue: 97. Click the button next to Color, and then click Black, Text 1 (first row, second option from the left). In the Position box, enter 99%.