Granite School District’s Multi-Tiered System of Support Effective Teaming Structures and Practices Teaching and Learning Educator Support and Development Services School Accountability Services
Performance Area: Working Together
Teams are most effective when they… Work collaboratively with others and take collective responsibility for achieving shared goals for which they are mutually accountable Provide clarity regarding the work to be done Monitor and support others to help them succeed at what they are being asked to do Sustain their focus on a limited number of goals and initiatives Acknowledge and celebrate small wins Focus on student learning, problem solving and intervention planning to address school, group, and individual student needs Judy
Objectives Language Objectives Content Objectives Analyze team practices using TIPS checklist Determine where your school is at in the implementation of PBIS Learners will understand the purposes of various teaming structures that exist within the school. Learners will evaluate current teaming practices of their leadership teams. Language Objectives Learners will identify and discuss the personnel, practices and functions of the teaming structures at their schools. Use data to problem-solve as a team in developing action steps Judy
The Work of Teams…Problem Solving, Looking at Data, Posing the Guiding Questions What is it we expect students to learn? What is the problem? What should be done? Why is it happening? Did it work? Describe the data How will we know when they have learned it? How will we know when they have learned it? Reflect on progress Interpret the data Judy How will we respond when they don’t learn? How will we respond when they already know it? Design instruction
Teaming in Our Schools Leadership focus Supports learning for ALL students School-wide systems and structures School-wide and subgroup data trends Grade level, Core, or Department focus Tier 1 Student learning, supports and differentiation focus Student Support focus Tier 2 Supplemental intervention focus Specialized focus Tier 3 Intensive intervention focus Judy
Leadership Team Focus Practices: What practices are essential during your leadership team? Pre-meeting preparation (Data collection and aggregation, agenda, logistics, assignments) Agenda, norms, roles, consensus Post-meeting follow-up (Communicating decisions, sharing notes, completing assignments) Topics for leadership focus: What topics do you discuss in your leadership focus meetings? 5 non-negotiables MTSS STATIS goal interrelatedness School-wide implications Subgroup trends Attendance data Todd Slide 2: Practices involve adequate pre-meeting work, preparation, so that “together” time can be optimal and productive. It means that there is an in-place shared understanding of the types of data utilized and the inferences that can be logically made from the data. It means that there is an agreed, reasonable and logical starting point for your “conversation” with agreed parameters of the directionality of that conversation.. Topics for leadership focus are those items that define the “zeitgeist” that surrounds your conversations…
Agenda template Norms and roles at tables-scribe take notes for Andrea, notetaker keep school notes Celebrations Add-review of action steps from previous meeting Data we are using today is your school Attendance data. Put in folder for each school Review of problem solving model
Leadership Team Focus Data Sources Based on the topics your leadership team is focusing on, what data sources do you analyze? School-wide discipline data School-wide attendance and graduation/dropout School-wide grades School-wide core proficiency data (summative, formative assessment data) School-wide demographic data (stats on ELLs, SPED, Low-socioeconomic, etc.) School-wide perception data (surveys, anecdotal) Rosannes. What data you use depends on what issues are at hand. Or is it vice-versa? Does the data drive your meetings? Does the data inform your meetings? Or is the data peripheral to your conversations? Which is best and in which situations?
Agenda Action steps
Rationale on attendance data and How to read the attendance data sample Rosanne rationale and Jill how to read data
The Work of Teams…Problem Solving, Looking at Data, Posing the Guiding Questions What is it we expect students to learn? What is the problem? What should be done? Why is it happening? Did it work? Describe the data How will we know when they have learned it? How will we know when they have learned it? Reflect on progress Interpret the data Judy How will we respond when they don’t learn? How will we respond when they already know it? Design instruction
Probability Equation Table mat and chips
Other teaming structures Hotlist-Using the problem solving model and attendance data--What would this look like at a grade level collaboration meeting? Talk with your team and then be prepared to get up and share your thoughts with another school’s team member. What would it look like at a Student Support Meeting? Share out at their table. Rosanne and Jill grade level look, Andrea Student Support look
Take Away Team Implementation Checklist With your school leadership teams, conduct the self-assessment provided and determine: Determine areas of strength and challenge What areas might require you to reconsider current allocation of resources and any changes you may need to make What areas might require consultation/coaching support Complete and submit electronic Team Implementation Checklist to request consultation/coaching in the areas you identify Noelle