Treasurer’s Report to Council CD #13.1 2017 -18 Midwinter Meeting Treasurer’s Report to Council FY 2019 Programmatic Priorities Presented by: Susan Hildreth - Treasurer Tuesday – February 13, 2018 Denver, CO
FY 2019 Programmatic Priorities - Council Action is Requested - These programmatic priorities shape budget planning and priorities for 2019 and beyond.
Strategic Framework Informed by: Insights from the Divisions, Roundtables and Council Focus Groups Kitchen table conversations Member Survey Guides ALA’s focus, operations, culture and frames its Strategic Directions Strategic framework informed by member views and external/industry-wide factors, sets a context for budget development.
Strategic Directions Represents the Associations’ primary areas of focus over a 3 – 5 year period. Advocacy Information Policy Professional & Leadership Development Equity, Diversity and Inclusion First 3 were approved in 2015 in San Francisco, 4th was approved in 2017 at Atlanta mid-winter meeting
FY19 Budget Development Using the Strategic Directions as the foundation, the Association’s Programmatic Priorities represent the basis for the development of the FY 2019 budget. Budget development also informed by many other factors, 5-year financial plan, 10-year historical trends, actual and projected revenue and expenses, strategic opportunities to strengthen the association and fulfill our mission.
Programmatic Priorities Diversity Equitable Access to Information and Library Services Education and Lifelong Learning Intellectual Freedom Advocacy for Libraries and the Profession Literacy Organizational Excellence Transforming Libraries These priorities are key elements in developing resource allocation plans for 2019 and beyond.
Strategy to Address FY 19 and Beyond Leverage strong balance sheet to fund investments that will generate revenue and reduce operating expenses Endowment loan ALA line of credit Bank debt supported by value of buildings/other assets We know that strategic thinking, planning and investment is critical for ensuing a sustainable future for the association. As I noted, we have a very strong balance sheet and we need to leverage those assets. Investments in our IT infrastructure are critical and could be supported by short-term loans or lines of credit. Endowment could support new business development efforts to identify new revenue streams and enhance our current lines of business.
Strategy to Address for FY 19 and Beyond Consider the best use of the ALA Headquarters Commission analysis of best use of building Consider how to provide most efficient and modern staff work environment Take advantage of all opportunities to streamline the organization and workflow New Business Development Committee revitalized ALA Headquarters is a very valuable property and provides a very traditional 20th century model for a work environment. We need to consider the best use of the building, both as providing a revenue sources and more efficient and modern work environment for staff. During this transition period, we much take advantage of very opportunity to streamline workflow and consider possible re-organization or re-alignment to work effectively and efficiently for our members. A new business development committee, which was very active in the early 2000’s, is being revitalized under the leadership of Jim Neal and Rod Hersberger. Group will work with staff to identify and explore new ideas and opportunities for service and revenue growth.
Motion ALA Council approves the Programmatic Priorities, as the basis for the development of the FY19 budget and as a key component for strategic planning.
FY19 Programmatic Priorities Mark your Ballot FY19 Programmatic Priorities CD #13.1
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