802.18 RR-TAG Opening Report Report of the March 2009 plenary meeting May 2009 802.18 RR-TAG Opening Report Report of the March 2009 plenary meeting Work done between meetings Work planned for this meeting Michael Lynch, MJ Lynch & Associates
Report of March Plenary Meeting May 2009 Report of March Plenary Meeting Approved 8 outputs: 1 was a petition for FCC to reconsider their proposed white space rules 3 were liaison responses to ITU-R WP5A 1 was a proposal to WP5A to update M.1450 3 were liaison responses to ITU-R WP5D All are available on 802.18’s Mentor web site https://mentor.ieee.org/802.18/documents Michael Lynch, MJ Lynch & Associates
Report of March Plenary Meeting May 2009 Report of March Plenary Meeting Developed 1 output between meetings: U.K. Ofcom had a consultation on digital dividend and CRS One WG asked that the RR-TAG to convene a conference call to consider their response to Ofcom The response must be in to Ofcom by 1 May – and the RR-TAG had a call in mid April The input to Ofcom was approved Michael Lynch, MJ Lynch & Associates
Report of March Plenary Meeting May 2009 Report of March Plenary Meeting Work planned for the May interim meeting: Develop an input for an IMT-Advanced RIT: 802.16 has begun work on the document 802.16 will meet prior to the RR-TAG and submit the document to the RR-TAG’s May meeting The document will be submitted to the June meeting of ITU-R WP5D Michael Lynch, MJ Lynch & Associates
Active participation is encouraged! May 2009 Active participation is encouraged! 802.18 needs consistent participation from all wireless WGs Our charter is to provide balanced representation of the interests of all of the wireless WGs before the FCC and other regulatory bodies Other members of wireless WGs who can attend 802.18 as their primary group, or at least substantially, are also encouraged to participate Remember … attendance in 802.18 meetings counts towards maintaining your voting rights in your “home WG” Michael Lynch, MJ Lynch & Associates