DOL level 4 week 2 Analogy ________: pit - grape : seed : - : ________ : - : ________ 1. mr and mrs roy anders 112 south street mankato mn 56001 2. yesterday he takes my copy of news parade, a good magazine peach
Fluency 6 min. reading solution
Word Structure reconsider reassured disappear disown unknown uncertain unable unhappy enrich enable endear enlarge midnight Midwest midway midterm Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4
Word Structure enrich enable endear enlarge Line 3 make rich make able make dear make large These words begin with the prefix en-. What does the prefix en- mean? Identify the root word and define each word based on the prefix and the meaning of the root word. Skills Practice 1 page 15 -16 “to make a certain way
Reading and Responding pp 54 -61 Discussing the Selection Handing Off
Reading and Responding Genre Elements of a biography It is the story of a real person’s life that is told by someone else. It contains important information bout a person’s life and events. it can include how the person talks, thinks, and feels. a biography might span a person’s life or only an important part of the person’s life. Events typically appear in chronological order.
Browse Clues Problems Wonderings It’s going to be about freedom. Picture has William smiling at the end. Houses have a problem with the train so close. Why is he sleeping? What do they mean by freedom? What do they mean by two tickets to freedom? Where is he going? Why the mysterious look on the first page? Why is he happy on the last page? When did this happen? We will return to these questions after we have read the story.
How does this story help answer this question? Big Idea Why do people take risks? How does this story help answer this question?
Language Arts Revising Now take time to ensure that every word is precise. (Read on page 37 to see how Scott O’Dell uses word choice.) Your work will be better after editing because more descriptive and exact words are used that will help your audience visualize your stories. Use words that tell exactly how something looked, sounded, tasted, smelled, or felt. Transparency 13
Vocabulary lesson 2 companion companñero concealed ocultarse Her stuffed animal was her favorite companion. The trees were concealed by the mist. person who is traveling with someone else to hide (past tense) hastened apresuran shuddered cercenado In order to finish he hastened his speed. He shuddered at the thoughts of being alone in the woods at night. to hurry (past tense) to shake with horror (past tense)
Vocabulary lesson 2 despairing desesperado delivered emitido “There is no hope,” he said in despairing voice. “I would give anything to be delivered from this mess!”. without hope to save (past tense) flickerin parpadenties sympathetic compasivo Just then he saw a flickering light. “I care,” he said in a sympathetic voice. understanding; having a kind feeling for someone become brighter and then darker over and over
Spelling disown discount -re -dis -un -mid reheat review midnight unfold uncover midterm Midwest rewind disagree unfair midway midlife disappear displace replace untie dissolve renew rearrange undone unfamiliar
Language Arts Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics Give me some verbs that show action that you can see and action that takes place in your head. An action verb can express a physical action or a mental action. for example: Look expresses a physical action. Hope expresses a mental action. Apply: Write a couple of sentences using action verbs and exchange the sentences with a partner. Partners should identify whether the verbs express a mental action or a physical action. action - see action - head make sentences out of these words
Rotations Read with teacher Work in Skills Practice Book Pages 1, 2, 3, 5,6 Read “The Star Called the Sun” pg 49. Practice cursive handwriting . The letter B b Blue Yellow Red Blue Red Green Yellow Green Red Green Yellow Blue Green Yellow Blue Red