Summer Residential Governor’s School: Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts June 24 – July 21, 2018 Radford University Areas of study: Dance Instrumental Music Vocal Music Theatre Visual Arts Students can apply for only one area of study
Visual and Performing Arts Instruction delivered through: (Interdisciplinary) Classes Workshops Individual/Small-group activities Lectures Independent study Focus on: Techniques, materials, media, language and conventions of area of study Symbiotic relationship between art and society Societal and individual opportunities and responsibilities of the thinking artist
Visual and Performing Arts Outside reading and preparation for courses expected of all students. Works in progress by faculty, guest artists, staff, and students are shared in order to enrich individual perceptions related to the arts.
VPA Acceptance Breakdown by art area PWCS students' applications are reviewed and ranked by a committee to select 70 Arts (14 in each art area) applications to send to the state for the state selection process. Statewide acceptance: Instrumental Music (55-60 students) Vocal Music (20-25 students) Visual Art (45-50 students) Dance (20-25 students) Theater (45-50 students)
Eligibility In the visual and performing arts (VPA) programs, a student must be identified as gifted in an arts area (8VAC20-40-40, Screening, referral, identification, and service). If a school does not identify and serve students gifted in the arts, any student who meets one of the criteria listed below for the VPA program may apply. In addition, each applicant must participate in the adjudication process in January as scheduled by VDOE. A student may meet any one of the following criteria to be eligible for the VPA program: Rank at or above the 80th percentile on recent standardized test measures, or Possess a C average for the last grade completed, or have a letter of commendation from a teacher who feels the student would qualify if not for an unusual situation or circumstance.
Eligibility A student must be neither a current applicant to a 2018 Governor's Foreign Language Academy or other Summer Residential Governor’s School, nor a former participant in these programs. A student may attend only one Foreign Language Academy or Summer Residential Governor’s School program during his or her high school career. A student who participates in one of the 19 Academic-Year Governor's Schools or who has participated in one of the 20 Summer Regional Governor's Schools MAY apply. A student must be genuinely interested in attending the Governor's School and have the emotional maturity, stability, and self-discipline to live away from home for an extended period. A student must be eligible for a free, public education in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
VPA Application process The application process is highly competitive. Students should work with Ms. Gordon in order to ensure completeness and accuracy of their applications. Students should only consider applying for SRGS if they can make the commitment to attend the program if accepted.
VPA Application Process By October 24: Request local audition time (online) By November 1: Complete preliminary application (online) November 6: Local Auditions for Vocal Music, Theatre, and Dance (at Colgan High) November 7: Local Auditions for Instrumental Music and Visual Arts (at Colgan High) November 22: Nominations made for state auditions
VPA Application Process If you move on to state-level of selection: Mid-November: Complete full application, including: Description of: Training Experience Honors/recognitions Statement of interest Two teacher recommendations At least one in art area
VPA Application Process Mid-December: State audition times mailed to student January 2: Application due to Ms. Gordon January 6: State auditions at GMU Fairfax Campus February: County determines applicants sent to state-level; notification letters mailed Early March– State nomination selection results mailed Mid-April: State sends letters of acceptance June 24—July 21: Program dates
VPA Application Auditions—worth 72 points Page 1 Personal and Demographic Information Page 2 Training, Experience, and Honors: One point for each item. Each year of training can be listed as a separate item. Training is classes taken in the art area (school or private study), experience is performing experience (or art shows for visual artists), and honors can include formal awards and/or selection for key roles, solos, all-county/region/state groups. (9 points total)
Page 2: training/experience/honors, examples Type of Study Time Involved Year Bad Example: Chorus 2011 Good Example: Hylton HS Madrigal Choral Ensemble: Participation through audition 4 hrs/week; 36 weeks 2013-2014 Experience Study/Brief Description Teacher Role/Part Bad Example: Fall Concert Smith Singer Good Example: Fall Concert: “American Folk Music”, October 2014, Hylton HS Madrigals Bob Smith, Hylton Chorus Teacher Soprano Soloist
Page 2: Training/experience/honors, examples cont’d Honor/Recognition Level of Competition – Regional, State, National, International Year Bad Example: Marching Band Champs Regional 2011 Good Example: Woodbridge HS Bands of the Potomac competition: 1st Place Drum Major 2012
VPA Application Page 3 Student and parent signatures/initials Page 4 Statement of Interest Must be signed and dated Typed with 12 pt font, double spaced. (6 points total) Teacher Recommendations: Teacher A must be a current teacher in the art area directly related to area of application. Teacher B can be any adult (non-parent) that can attest to your artistic capabilities in your application area. Teachers must complete a rating scale and narrative (letter). (19 points total) Total Points—106 points