Li Zhaoqing 1500016917 School of Government Italian Renaissance Li Zhaoqing 1500016917 School of Government
What is the Renaissance? People once more dared to be happy just because they were alive. They tried to save the remains of the older and more agreeable civilization of Rome and Greece and they were so proud of their achievements that they spoke of a renaissance or re-birth of civilization. The Renaissance was not a political or religious movement. It was a state of mind. ——Van Loon ,Chapter38, The Story of Mankind
Humanism:the assertion of human nature Want to eliminate: Authority of the church Sense of hierarchy Ignorance Want to achieve: Individuality Ration Free will Secular happiness They no longer concentrated all their thoughts and their efforts upon the blessed existence that awaited them in Heaven. They tried to establish their Paradise upon this planet, and, truth to tell, they succeeded in a remarkable degree.
Italian Renaissance Time: 14c AD-17c AD District: Firenze(佛罗伦萨) Genoa(热那亚) Venice(威尼斯) Background: 1.capitalist sprout: Division of labor, Specialized production 2.the Church declined: Avignonesische Exiles(阿维农之囚1378) 3. political disunity、geographical advantages、citizen class……
Italian Renaissance Representative : Early stage:(14c-15c) Dante(但丁) Petrarca(彼特拉克) Boccaccio(薄迦丘) Peak stage:(16c-17c) Da Vinci(达芬奇) Raphael(拉斐尔) Michelangelo(米开朗琪罗) Following story :expansion、the Enlightenment