Welcome to Soar Printing Online Ordering Pricing is on slide 15
The website to use is: Click here to log on
Type in your address and password to login. All passwords are set as the start of your before symbol
If you do not see the product you want here, please contact us. We are continually adding new products, and some products may not be visible to your faculty yet.
Type in the details for the card. Then click Update & Save Preview.
The screen will update with the details you have entered. This is your proof, please check the details carefully. Make any changes as required, and click Update & Save Preview to refresh the screen. Fields in capital letters must be typed in capital letters, it will not make them capitals for you.
Once you have checked the proof thoroughly, click Order Print to proceed to the confirmation page Once you have checked the proof thoroughly, click Order Print to proceed to the confirmation page Make any changes as required, and click Update & Save Preview again to refresh the screen. If your card requires Macrons, request this in the order notes in the last screen. We are working to get this automated.
A small version of the card you are about to order will show. This is you last opportunity to make any changes. Choose an order quantity from the dropdown. You must tick the box about checking your proof before you can proceed. Click Submit Print Order Now, it will then ask you for delivery information etc. You must tick the box about checking your proof before you can proceed. Click Submit Print Order Now, it will then ask you for delivery information etc.
Some generic stationery items are/will be available to order off the shelf. We call these inventory or stock items. Examples are generic letterhead, envelopes, with comps, and other non-personalised items. If you have a product that is used in bulk throughout the year that you would like stored, please contact us to discuss. Minimums apply. The next two slides show how to order these products. Skip to slide 13 if you are not interested in this option.
Type in your order quantity for each product required. Items are sold in pack sizes shown in the description and qty per carton areas. Please ensure your order quantity is divisible by this pack size. Quantities must be entered per unit, not per pack. Once you have finished, simply click Complete Order
A summary of your order will show on this screen. If correct, fill in your order number and other information and click complete order. You can click the back button on your browser to go back to the previous window and make changes, or click the delete button next to the item you dont want. Please ensure you fill in the required information so we can contact you about your order.
Click Complete Order to submit and finish Enter your order number here, should you have already created your PO. This will enable us to process your order as soon as we receive it. Alternatively, enter the phrase P-card here and we will contact you for the details when the order is received. If your order has no reference in this field, it will be put on hold until a PO is received that matches the order, or you phone through p-card details.
You will see a confirmation on screen thanking you for your order. It will provide you with an RFJ number, please refer to this when contacting us. A confirmation will also be sent to your inbox with this number. You can reply to this with any questions or concerns. Or if you need to supply extra logos to be added to your card. If you do not get this , your order may not have worked. If in doubt, feel free to contact me to check.
If you have not done so, a purchase order will need to be raised for the products you have just ordered. We will not dispatch anything until we have received an official purchase order. The RFJ is a good reference number to use to help us match the PO to your job. There is no need to write long descriptions on your PO if you include this code. Alternatively, phone Rachel to advise your pcard details for payment after you have placed your order. Integration into Peoplesoft (via Conexa) to utilise the marketsite/roundtrip is currently in development. Estimated delivery is working days (depending on the product) Note: If you are logged in as someone else, the order confirmation will go to the address you are logged in with. If you would like an extra login, just me…..
Pricing Also available as an excel price list for easy referral
If you have any concerns with your order, or trouble with the site, please contact your account manager: Rachel Foye DDI: Mobile: I am happy to visit staff for one on one, or group training should this slideshow not be adequate.