Turtles Student sheets Activity 4 – Keys Student sheets year 7 upgrade This page may have been changed from the original 1
Contents Sheet number Notes 1 Reusable 2a Consumable 2b 3a 3b
Turtles: Activity 4: Keys 1 Stephanie Colburtle red 2 Billie grey 3 4 5 Purple lightning purple 6 Freedom pale blue 7 Saphira orange 8 9 10 11 Sundae pink 12 Turtleocity green 13 14 15 16 17 Drexelina brown 18 19 20 21 Champiro blue 22 Windy yellow 23 24 25 26 Genevieve turquoise 27 28 29 Stephanie Colburtle 30 Student sheet 1
Vertebrate features Turtles: Activity 4: Keys Features Reproduction method Blood temperature Body covering Breathing Mammals Birds Reptiles Amphibians Fish Student sheet 2a
Vertebrate features Turtles: Activity 4: Keys Features Reproduction method Blood temperature Body covering Breathing Mammals warm Birds lungs Reptiles eggs Amphibians smooth skin Fish cold Student sheet 2b
Species Turtles: Activity 4: Keys Student sheet 3a These dogs look different. There are two reasons for this. They inherited different features, and they have different lives. Some get better food. Others get more exercise. Things like this are called environmental factors. They can make identical puppies become very different adults. Despite their differences, all dogs are the same species. Any male and female could mate. Penguins look more similar than dogs, but they belong to 17 species. Birds from different species don’t mate with each other. Turtles can look similar and be different species, or look different and be the same species. That will confuse people. We need a ‘fact box’ on the website to explain why turtles vary and what a species is. Have it on my desk tomorrow. This encyclopaedia entry may help. Each species has some features the others don’t have, e.g. inherited and environmental factors make every emperor penguin slightly different, but they all grow bigger than other species. On rare occasions, different species do mate. Their offspring have some features from each species. But these offspring are never fertile, which means they can never have families of their own. Student sheet 3a
Why turtles vary What is a species? Turtles: Activity 4: Keys These two turtles are the same age. One is smaller and the other paler. Two things that could have made their features different are: 1. 2. These two turtles are male and female but they won’t mate because... On rare occasions turtles from different species do mate. Draw what the hatchlings might look like if they inherited features from both these parents. These hatchlings are not fertile, which means... Student sheet 3b
Picture credits Picture Slide Credit Activity from the Extinction unit © Association for Science Education and Centre for Science Education 2010. Teachers and others who download this material may use it freely within their institution. For any other usage consult the upd8 team, upd8@ase.org.uk ASE and upd8 are not responsible for any revision that may be made to the material after it has been downloaded.