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Austin Polytech’s Mission Individualized Counseling In Action Austin Polytech’s Mission The Problem: In March 2016, we discovered nearly half of our YCC seniors were in risk of not graduating due to failing a class or missing credits from failed classes earlier in high school The Intervention: Weekly team meetings to review each participant circumstance, individual follow up with participant, counselors, teachers and parents to implement tailored solutions, including make-up work, Saturday school, summer school, enrollment in online credit recovery
Austin Polytech’s Mission Individualized Counseling In Action Austin Polytech’s Mission The Tools: 1) Have a great team, 2) weekly/daily follow-up meetings, 3) case note spread sheets, google forms. The Result: 31 out of 32 graduated high school by end of summer school (1 continues as a 5th year senior to complete a .5 credit)