How to use FaceSheet® App Presented by Dr. Krishna Duration 5 minutes 14 Slides FaceSheet is a registered trade name
History The term FaceSheet is in circulation since 18 th century. Traditionally, FaceSheet is a patients visit financial chart, patients consolidated personal information, includes his/her insurance information. Physicians pick up FaceSheet after visiting a patient, for his/her billing and to submit charges for that visit. 6% (1 in every 16) visits are not accountable as providers forget to pick up FaceSheet. Another 5% of providers misplace FaceSheets, resulting in lost income and HIPAA violation. 2.25% times, by the time you find the misplaced FaceSheet your insurance company does not accept claim as it is too old.
Current FaceSheet method (most applied) We developed these FaceSheet Cards at the request of some physicians who have been our loyal clients for over 10 years, using our IT and Medical Transcription services by STILL, You may lose these cards Lost revenue HIPAA violation Carry too many cards and you need a pen to ink it while doing rounds You need to carry them to your billing person on timely fashion. You cannot modify them as easy as digital (our FaceSheet) Its time for trashing old methods
Idea Owners of AAAMT.COM are physicians who practice medicine by visiting patients in hospitals, nursing homes, house calls, and outpatient clinics. They self-audited all visits of 100 days and only able to capture 84%, and intended to capture 100% visits. This will only be possible by capturing information electronically.AAAMT.COM Owners are using this technology since 2009, starting with tablet PCs, and just decided to provide the same service to all professionals who use smart phones. App is free on iPhone and Android phones. The data captured by smart phones is available to your billing personnel on Cloud by a secure web interface at We use.CC domain as it means Carbon Copy to your biller.
How to Download and start using FaceSheet For iPhone, please search FaceSheet App in iTunes. Click to downloadClick to download For Android, please search FaceSheet App in Google-Play. Click to downloadClick to download The App looks like this icon and this is the only App which does all your FaceSheet needs and it is free.
Functionality: What to expect from this App? 1.It takes less than 5 seconds to capture patient visit anywhere. This App is smart, works in elevators, basement, without WIFI. It will send DATA immediately when connected. 2.It will organize patients by room numbers, so you dont have to use elevator lines to waste time. You can finish all patients on the same floor at once. 3.Coloring of the List of patients is the best part of this App. Will turn all ORANGE when the date changes at midnight indicating patients not seen, will change to GREEN once seen, and RED once discharged. Once bills are uploaded, all turn to BLUE, ready to be deleted from the device. 4.Very customizable: Add your favorite CPT and necessary ICD codes. We have only provided 98% of CPT codes needed in Hospital Rounding and 100 ICD codes of each specialty, but you can delete, add, edit the codes in seconds. 5.You can export patient list to your covering provider by Push Notification method and vice versa. When you export patients to covering providers, it will also take sign off note so it will be easy for providers to take care of patients and saves a lot of time. 6.Not only physician notes, you can also add biller notes like collect co-pay. All required notes can be added as templates so you dont have to type them again and again.
Initial setup after you download the App. This Flash screen only comes the first time you restart iPhone and during a period of long inactivity. Flash screen
Respect Page for Privacy If you log out, you will be redirected to this page the next time you use the App. Make sure you have a good Password for your phone. Remember HIPAA ! Make sure when you are registering you choose the right specialty so it will bring specialty-specific common ICD codes. Login Page
You need at least one location to be added for FaceSheet to function. We have already provided the most common codes for hospital CPT, ICD, billing notes and physician templates. Use a billing ID to send list. SETTINGS
Visit Screen Visit Entry Screen: I PROMISE this is the only screen you enter information most of the time (99%+) When you touch ICD, CPT, Note to Biller, Doctors Note, templates pop up and you can touch to select and click Done for final selection. If you are not changing anything from previous days visit, just touch Save as Seen so it will save as a visit. In the List of patients, it will change from Orange not seen to Green seen with appropriate dates for reference in patient list.
Patient List Screen. (4 patients shown) How to export to biller? Just check patient names and touch paper clip at Right bottom page. It will send a PDF copy to your biller by secure and keeps a copy at our web interface and the same info is available for 7 years. 2 nd Most important screen/Page 1. List of patients, 2. Select patients and send to biller 3. Also you can add a patient or go to settings from this page. Color ?
Templates, Just check appropriate circle Biller Note templateCPT code templateICD code Template
Previous Visit slider All blue dates are visit dates. This Doctor sees this nursing home patient once a week. You can slide this slider even with 100 visits. Choose any date and Modify to reflect right codes and update the visit with Blue button St. Josephs Nursing Home Waiting for Placement
Initial Registration To Start using the FACESHEET App, you just need to create an account. Only Six fields to fill. Also, you need to add Facility in settings. One more thing before you use FACESHEET, Download our HIPAA document, sign it and Fax back to For support: Please watch our video on how to use FaceSheet on You Tube.