Iraq Inquiry Tegan Schofield
What are the issues at the heart of the inquiry? A British public inquiry into the United Kingdom's role in the Iraq War. Conservative Party leader David Cameron, dismissed the inquiry as "an establishment stitch-up” MPs from all the major parties criticised the government’s selection of its members, MPs drew attention to the absence of anyone with first hand military expertise, the absence of members with acknowledged or proven inquisitorial skills, and the absence of any elected representatives. The inquiry says it will not publish its report until the summer of 2012 at the earliest, six months later than had been anticipated.
Why is it of significance politically? The former Prime Minister, Gordon Brown announced on 15 June 2009 that an Inquiry would be conducted to identify lessons that can be learned from the Iraq conflict. The Inquiry took evidence over a number of months, with as many hearings as possible held in public It is all politicians decisions on this inquiry. They do present what they have decided to the public when they feel they want to. It is all politicians involved in the Iraq inquiry, nobody who specialises in the war is involved.
Judiciary play in this inquiry? What role does the Judiciary play in this inquiry? The Inquiry is not a court of law. The members of the Committee are not judges, and nobody is on trial. But if the Committee finds that mistakes were made, that there were issues which could have been dealt with better, it will say so.