My Project Title (Track: Research) My Team
Organization of your presentation Start with the goal of your research, i.e., your research question. What new knowledge do you intend to contribute? Next, discuss the novelty of your project as compared with some existing effort. Has this question been answered in any previous work? If yes, why do you still need to study this question? What are the deficiencies in the existing answers to this question? Then, present your progress: describe your approach and results. Show experiment results or screenshots if you can Finally, discuss remaining tasks (if you haven’t completed your project) or ideas for further extending your project (if you have completed it)
Use this template to show a bulleted list: Overview of My Project Problem definition Novelty of my project General approach Sample results Further extension For demo, see http://....
Use this template to show two columns of text
Use this slide template to show a picture It’s easy to do a screenshot: just press the “Prt Sc” key and then past the picture of the screen by using “Ctrl-v” or selecting “Paste” option in PowerPoint