SC.6.L.14.1 – Levels of Organization 5E Essential Lesson SC.6.L.14.1 – Levels of Organization
Why is organization important?
Why is organization important for living things? Protein Molecule Squirrel Squirrel Organs Acorn Cells Acorn (squirrels eat acorns)
How are the terms related? Set #4 Organize your set of terms into a list, showing their relationship. List the order in your Science Notebook. How are the terms related? Letter Sentence Word Book Chapter Paragraph
What are the levels of organization? Directions: Organize the picture cards from smallest (simplest) to largest (most complex). Organize the description cards, aligning them with the picture cards. Students may need to rearrange picture cards at this point. What is the smallest unit of life? What is the smallest unit of a living organism? How are atoms related to molecules? How are cells related to organs? How is a molecule like protein related to an organism? Do organisms work together to form another level of organization?
Do all living things have the same levels of organization? What new or surprising information did you discover in this article? Are all living things made up of all of the levels of organization? Explain with examples.
Life is complex, yet it is organized. Explain what this statement means to YOU! -Use each of the following vocabulary words to describe the levels of organization that make up a human being. Atom, molecule, cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism, epithelial, nervous, muscle, connective
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