Ms. Anderson November 4th, 2016 This Week’s Focus Reading: Questioning Movies, fact vs. opinion, vocabulary, Stephen Spielberg Math: Use partial products , standard algorithm, to multiply two digit numbers and multiples of 10 Grammar/Writing: Verbs, past, present, and future tense, Greek/Latin root words –phon, -graph, -photo, -auto Science/Soc. Studies: Shocking Truth electrical safety video Ms. Kleber: Early Americans Upcoming Events Thursday, Nov. 10th: End of 1st Quarter! Friday, Nov. 11th: NO SCHOOL K-5! Teacher Work Day Monday, Nov. 14th & Thursday, Nov. 17th: Parent Teacher Conferences 3:30-7:30 p.m. Nov. 14th-18th: Book Fair! Reminders Skating starts Monday! Bring helmet from home if you wish! Conference times will be sent home early next week! Please make sure you can attend Thanksgiving Break Wednesday, Nov. 23- Friday, Nov. 25th Star of the Week Justin