Bone Health: Calcium! Laird Patten
So why do we need Bones??? Bones provide structure support and protect organs Fact: When you are born you have 270 bones, when you’re an adult you have only 206!!
What keeps Our bones strong?? Calcium! Minerals (metals) make up 65% of our bone structure. The other 35% is connective tissue Calcium is a really important metal in bone health Fact:!! Calcium also assist in the electrical conductivity of the heart Huh?
Calcium Calcium makes up 40 percent of minerals in the body Helps bones grow (makes you tall) Supports muscle contraction
How Much do we need? A lot? A little?? Kids Adults Birth to six months: 200 mg of Infants 7-12 Months: 260 Mg 1-7 years old : 1,000 mg 9-13 years old: 1,300 mg 14-18 year olds: 1000 mg 19-50 Years old: 1,000mg 51-70 Years old 1,200mg 71+ years and older 1,200 mg Why do you think we need more when your older? There are about 300 mg in a glass of whole milk
Where do we find Calcium? Food sources? Dairy!!!! Dairy Products are a great source of Calcium -Yogurt -Milk -Cheese Fact: On a farm, the place you milk a cow is called the Milking Parlor.
Where Do we Find Calcium (Not Dairy) Nuts 1 cup of almonds – 378mg Soy = 1 oz. of tofu 105mg Seeds- Sesame seeds 1 cup = 1,404 mg
If that’s not enough….
The risks of not having Enough Calcium Inadequate amounts of Calcium will lead to weak bones which makes it easier to break!!
What if we don’t get enough? Osteoporosis Also over time, your body starts breaking down calcium faster than it can use it and your body has a harder time holding itself up That’s why older adults need more calcium! YIKES!
What if we get too much??! Gas Bloating Constipation
What if We get too Much Kidney Stones (painful) Headaches Poor kidney function