Conceptual Framework: Roy’s Adaptation Model Strategies to Decrease Depression from Social Isolation Among the Elderly Population Erin Gallagher and Megan Russ DePaul University Methods Findings Background Four effective methods to combat social isolation and decrease depression symptoms have been identified: -Intergenerational Problems -Use of Social Media and Technology -Exercise and Physical Wellness -Therapeutic Interactions with Animals Intergenerational programs were found to successfully reduce feelings of loneliness and social isolation. Use of social networks and technology allowed the elderly to feel less isolated and provided them with a greater sense of connection to the world. Design An integrative literature review was conducted to discover and summarize previous studies that examined interventions used to eliminate social isolation among older adults. A detailed review of both qualitative and quantitative studies was developed by comparing the interventions used, identifying limitations presented, and both successful and unsuccessful outcomes. Data and Data Collection Sample Articles were in English and full-text, published between 2007-2016, and were of nursing or medical disciplines. The search was inclusive of all genders, but exclusive to only ages over 65 years. Search Strategies The keywords or key phrases identified and used were Social Isolation, Depression, Older Adults, Old Age, Elderly, Intergenerational Programs, Social networks, and Canine Therapy. Data Analysis Data was collected from all the aforementioned databases and then compared against each other. Different interventions to decrease social isolation among the elderly population were the main focus. Originally 1,057 articles were found eligible for review. Through process of elimination based on title and meeting inclusion criteria, 242 articles were found eligible for review. Of these 242 articles, 8 were officially selected, this process can be seen in figure 2 above. 20% of the American population are made up of the baby boomer generation, currently ranging in age from 53-71 years old. By 2050, the elderly population is predicted to be 83.1 million, almost double what it was in 2012. The elderly population are faced with numerous physical, psychological and social role changes that alter their sense of self and capacity to live happily. Due to these roles changes, social isolation may result if the elder adult cannot adapt. Social isolation has been directly linked to higher rates of morbidity and mortality, leading to a decreased life expectancy among this population. Conceptual Framework: Roy’s Adaptation Model Conclusion Sister Callista Roy’s Adaptation Model views the person as a bio-psycho-social being. There are three main focuses within this model: person, health, environment. The concept of health was viewed as an inevitable part of a person’s life which is represented by a continuum of health and illness states and the process of becoming whole. The concept of environment was described by three words: focal, contextual and residual. Adaptation occurs when people respond positively to a change within one of these aspects. This framework was used within this literature review to structure ways the elderly population can better adapt to the changes as they age, avoiding social isolation. While research shows that all four of these methods are useful in significantly reducing feelings of social isolation and loneliness among the elderly both in their own homes as well as in nursing homes, it is important to continue research on these methods. With 20% of Americans heading into the elderly population there is a strong need for these effective methods to combat the negative effects of aging and improve overall quality of life. Objectives The purpose of this integrative literature review was to determine the most effective methods to decrease social isolation and depressive symptoms in lonely older adults whether institutionalized or living within the community. Research Question: What interventional strategies decrease the presence of social isolation among the elderly population? Nursing Implications The identification of more effective methods to combat social isolation and depression in the elderly population will help nurses to provide more well rounded care. This will also allow nurses to provide families with quality, evidence based methods to try at home with their elderly family member.