Binder Set-up Period 0 & 4
You need a binder . . . This binder should be only for this class It will be where you put all of your materials – notes, assignments, handouts, etc. from this class It should be a 1 inch to 1½ inch binder Please make sure that in the upper right hand corner of the front of the binder you have your NAME, CLASS, and PERIOD written
Example Should look like this Name US History Period
What should be in your notebook? And now here’s how the papers I’ve given you so far should be ordered this way in your notebook: Agenda Page – take down the agenda either daily or weekly Classroom Procedures & Policies Timeline #1 –1997/98-2014 Timeline #2 – 1968/69-1997/98 Christopher Columbus Questions Thursday 8/21/14 1.3 Early Colonial Settlement notes Chapter 1 & 2 Vocabulary – all vocabulary will be done in notebook and be stamped if completed finished. It will be given a grade when I collect notebooks for a grade.