Radioimmunotherapy in malignant Symposium and Workshop


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Presentation transcript:

Radioimmunotherapy in malignant Symposium and Workshop Meeting Programme Friday, March 8, 2002, 15-18 hrs National and European Study group meetings for radioimmunotherapy trials Saturday, March 9, 2002, 9-16 hrs Workshops and Lectures Classification of malignant lymphoma (M. Tiemann, Kiel) State of the art in indolent lymphoma (W. Hiddemann, Munich) State of the art in aggressive lymphoma (M. Pfreundschuh, Homburg) Therapy with native monoclonal antibodies (M. Gramatzki, Erlangen) New developments in antibody technology (M. Kufer, Munich) I-131-anti-CD 20 high dose RAIT with stem cell support (A. Gopan, Seattle, USA) Y-90 anti-CD 20 RAIT of lymphoma (G. Wiseman, Rochester, USA) Y-90 anti CD22 RAIT and native anti CD22 therapy in lymphoma (D. Goldenberg, Morris Plains) Y-90 RAIT in aggressive lymphoma (R. Marcus, Cambridge, UK) Registration Form Invitation to: Radioimmunotherapy in malignant Lymphoma – Symposium and Workshop I wish to attend the symposium on March 9, 2002. I will pay the conference Fee of €50,00 by bank transfer or in cash at the registration desk.   NAME­__________________________ DEPARTMENT___________________ ADDRESS_______________________ FAX # ___________________________ E-MAIL_____________________________ The conference fee covers the entrance to the symposium as well as lunch and coffee at the symposium. Hotel reservations can be made through the conference secretariat. Dear colleagues and friends,   It’s a special pleasure for us to invite you to the old university town of Göttingen for a symposium and workshop on radioimmunotherapy in malignant lymphoma. We are certain that you are aware of the importance and potential benefit of this exciting new strategy for patients with malignant lymphoma. The aim of this international workshop is it to bring together nuclear medicine specialists and oncologists for a fruitful discussion the benefits and pitfalls of this therapy. Internationally renown experts from the USA and Europe have agreed to present their data and to attend the workshop discussions. The major concepts (high and low dose radioimmunotherapy, Yttrium-90 and I-131 nuclides) will be presented by those who have initiated and conducted the pivotal trials. We are therefore certain that you will find the program interesting and look forward to welcoming you to Göttingen. The symposium is organized by oncologists and nuclear medicine specialists from the Universities of Munich, Marburg and Göttingen who have initiated a German trial in relapsed B-cell lymphoma patients. The symposium will take place at the Georg August University of Göttingen, the old and traditional university in the middle of Germany. We are sure you will enjoy the atmosphere of this medieval university town and wish you a good trip to Göttingen. For the organizers Lorenz Trümper, M.D.Wolfgang Becker, M.D. Dep. of Haematology and Oncology and Department of Nuclear Medicine, Georg-August –University, Göttingen 1

This symposium is supported by Symposium Organizers M. Schwaiger, Ch. Peschel (Munich), Th. Behr (Marburg), W. Becker, L. Trümper (Goettingen) Symposium Venue and Date Lecture Hall 542 University Hospital Goettingen Robert-Koch-Straße 40 D- 37075 Göttingen, Germany Friday, March 8, 2002; 15-18.00 hrs; Saturday, March 9, 2002; 9-16.00 hrs Symposium Secretariat and Registration Procedure Trial Secretariat, Dep. Hematology Phone +49-551-39-6047; Fax+49-551- 392914 ; e-mail: haematologie.onkologie Registration Fee: € 50.00, payable by bank transfer to GUK at Account 19007319 at Sparkasse Goettingen, BLZ 26050001, or at the registration desk Registration by mail (flyer) or via internet at The meeting is certified for credit points by ESMO, AIO and Ärztekammer Niedersachsen and the European School of Nuclear Medicine This symposium is supported by Radioimmunotherapy in malignant Lymphoma Workshop and Symposium March 8 + 9, 2002 Georg August University Goettingen, Germany Financial Support provided by 3