Insert Person’s Name Introduce the person and include things like age, interest in working Include a portrait style photo (Continue to use the person’s first name in all relevant slide titles such as Joshua’s First Job)
(Person’s Name) and Their Family Click to add text Insert person’s first name in the title slide Insert bullet points about the person’s family and the things they like to do together Family photos doing interesting things
Extended Family and Friends List other people the person spends time with Give examples of what they do together
How my family helps me with things we do together Describe how the person participates and what support they get to do so
Residential History Click to add text Describe where the person lives and add a photo of their home List how long they have lived there; Type of neighborhood it is; How the person and their family are known in the neighborhood
Location of Neighborhood Click to add text Describe where the neighborhood is located in terms of access Use photos that show this
Businesses the Family Frequents Click to add text List business areas that the family uses for shopping, entertainment and leisure Include particular places the family likes and uses Use photos of particular businesses or shopping areas
Available Transportation Click to add text Use photo of car, bus or walking (whatever is relevant to the person) List particular transportation the person uses including the availability of rides if relevant
General Employment Sites Near Home Click to add text Use photos of major employment sites List those available near to where the person lives List others a little farther afield
Educational History Click to add text Use photo of school or college person is attending if relevant List other vocational establishments attended List qualifications if relevant to work Clarify whether person has been educated with or without people with disabilities for example: Joshua attends Gulfport High School. Since starting school, he has shared classes with other pupils who have special educational needs.
Work Training Click to add text Use photo of person displaying an independent employment skill (focus on performance eg wiping table carefully, folding towels expertly, entering data attentively) List formal and/or informal work training where person has learned the tasks successfully (independent or shared performance) (Leave out evaluations that do not show successful performance)
Other performance areas Keep adding photos of person performing well in key skill areas
Formal Work Experiences Use photos of person performing well in recent work experiences Describe where the person is working Add text
Working in a team Click to add text If relevant Use photo of person working alongside someone else List team tasks the person takes on Describe work style such as “He works continuously until there are no more trays. When more trays come he begins work again.”
Previous Work History Click to add text If relevant Include photos of previous companies where person has worked List dates person worked there
First Job Click to add text training independent If relevant Describe work tasks that made up the job of the most successful experience Describe how they learned the job and how well they did it independent
Informal Work Experience Include other things the person does at home an/or for family and friends that show skill and initiative such as operating tape/DVD players, making cups of tea, recycling, organising/filing, mowing/gardening, food preparation Describe task elements further where necessary (see example)
Community Interests Click to add text Use a photo of the person doing something they do well in the community (see example). Describe the things the person likes to do and who they do them with. Avoid things that highlight the person’s difference or disability.
Community Membership Click to add text List things the person does in their community such as going to church or other place of worship, supporting a particular football team, campaigning for better transportation, singing in a choir, etc.
Activities (Person’s Name) Enjoys Click to add text List anything else the person likes to do such as going on vacation with their family, going for walks, listening to music… Describe how often the person does these things
Places In title list places shown in the photos Use photos of places the person enjoys going and doing things such as football stadium, particular vacation, eating out with family etc.
Current Performance Skills: Housework Click to add text List skills the person does independently and on their own initiative at home or during lunch or break time at school or college such as setting tables, clearing tables, folding towels, emptying rubbish, recycling, washing dishes, meal preparation, fixing drinks and snacks, making beds, tidying, gardening… Use a photo of the person doing one or more of these things independently or in a shared performance
Current Performance Skills: Using the Community Describe the person’s use of their community and the support they require to negotiate the community successfully such as crossing streets, shopping, buying drinks, eating in restaurants (see examples) Avoid evaluating (“He is able/not able…”)
Current Performance Skills: Recreation/Leisure Describe the person’s range and choice of leisure activity, including how they are supported to participate (see examples) Include photos of the person engaging in their favorite activities.
Current Performance Skills: Academic List the person’s academic skills in a positive way. Add assistance that works well for the person (see examples)
Current Performance Skills: Communication Describe the person’s communication positively but do get across where the person needs support (see examples).
Current Performance Skills: Social Interaction Click to add text List who the person interacts with spontaneously. List the person’s social strengths such as greeting people, smiling and shaking hands. List particular people who the person likes to spend time with.
Current Performance Skills: Employment Click to add text List all the skills the person has already such as quality, consistency once they have learned the job, speed, motivation and independent initiation of starting work, working for a particular period of time before needing a break, etc. List the ways the person learns new tasks such as through demonstration, trial and error, verbal correction… List the tasks the person already knows how to do well such as collating, assembling, housework…
Person’s Name Summary Insert photos that give a real portrait of the person here (perhaps at work, at leisure, helping others - doing what they do best) Add any additional positive information you have found out that you would like to include Add additional pages of photos as needed.