1 A walk through the Universe Space is big. You just wont believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think its a long way down the road to the chemists, but that's just peanuts to space. Douglas Adams, Douglas Adams The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy English humorist & science fiction novelist ( )
3 The Earth We are here
5 EARTH Mercury Venus Mars
7 Earth Saturn Uranus Neptune Jupiter Pluto (not a planet) and its moon Charon
8 The Sun is our nearest star
9 The Solar System
10 The Milky Way (Our Galaxy) A hundred, thousand, million stars!
11 the Milky Way as seen from the Enterprise A hundred thousand light years across Light would take years to travel across the galaxy.
12 Distances It takes 8 minutes for light to reach us from the Sun. A light-year is the distance travelled by light in 1 year. The Sun is our nearest star. Our next nearest star, Alpha Centauri is 4 light years away. The Milky Way is light years across.
13 The local group of galaxies Andromeda is the nearest big galaxy to the Milky Way
14 Light from Andromeda takes 2 million years to reach us. Milky Way Andromeda
15 Local group The Local Supercluster Here the local group has shrunk to the size of the Milky Way in the last slide.
16 It left when the dinosaurs were on Earth. Light from Virgo has taken 65 million years to reach us. Virgo Cluster
17 The Universe is mind-bogglingly big! The Sun is about km away from Earth Bright stars in the night sky are about (1 million) times as far away as the Sun. The near galaxies are about times as far away as the bright stars km