CLIENT RIGHTS THE RIGHT TO AN INDIVIDUAL PROGRAM PLAN They have the right to a specific plan called a PCP & ISP for the services they receive or need. This plan is developed by them along with a team of people who are assisting them.
CLIENT RIGHTS THE RIGHT TO HUMAN DIGNITY They have the right to be treated with respect & to be free from abuse, neglect, exploitation, humiliation, retaliation or any other mistreatment. If it is necessary to restrict this right a plan must be written so that their right is not lost forever.
CLIENT RIGHTS THE RIGHT TO PRIVACY & INTERACTION WITH OTHERS They have the right to privacy when they are talking to others, to use the phone, within reason & to interact with people in the community
CLIENT RIGHTS THE RIGHT TO NOTIFICATION They have access to Client/Employee Handbook & Rights Manual which govern their services & have them explained. They will receive information about their rights when they apply to any Agency for services & every year at their case conference.
CLIENT RIGHTS THE RIGHT TO BE FREE FROM DISCRIMINATION They will not be discriminated against because of their race, sex, national origin or disability Humiliation – to lower the pride of or dignity of. To mortify Retaliation – to return like for like or evil for evil
CLIENT RIGHTS THE RIGHT TO FAIR & SAFE EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES They have the right to be paid according to the law for doing work unless they are participating in skills training. They have the right to work in a safe environment
CLIENT RIGHTS THE RIGHT TO A CASE RECORD They have the right to have a main record or master file which only certain people can see. They can see their file by making an appointment with their Case Manager
CLIENT RIGHTS THE RIGHT TO INFLUENCE POLICY They have the right to express their opinion to the management of any Agency in order to influence how services are provided. They will not be discriminated against when advocating for their interests.
CLIENT RIGHTS THE RIGHT TO EQUAL JUSTICE They have the right to receive assistance in legal processes that affect them & their rights
CLIENT RIGHTS THE RIGHT TO BE FREE FROM EXPLOITATION They have the right to be protected from economic exploitation, sexual exploitation & exploitation due to their disability
CLIENT RIGHTS THE RIGHT TO MAKE PERSONAL CHOICES They have the right to vote, the right to choose their friends, the right to choose their doctor for medical or dental care, the right to their own religion, the right to apply for public assistance & the right to choose their own advocate.
CLIENT RIGHTS THE RIGHT TO APPEAL If they are not satisfied with a decision which affects you or their services they have the right to appeal that decision to let people know that they do not agree. There are steps to follow to appeal a decision & their Case Manager is available to help with this.
ETIQUETTE FOR COMMUNICATING WITH PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES Outlined below is the “Etiquette for Communicating with People with Disabilities” to help you when you are communicating with persons with disabilities
ETIQUETTE FOR COMMUNICATING When talking with a person with a disability speak to that person rather than through a companion or sign language interpreter When introduced to a person with a disability it is appropriate to offer to shake hands. People with limited hand use or who wear an artificial limb can usually shake hands (Shaking hands with the left hand is an acceptable greeting)
ETIQUETTE FOR COMMUNICATING When meeting a person who is visually impaired always identify yourself & others who may be with you. When conversing in a group remember to identify the person to whom you are speaking If you offer assistance wait until the offer is accepted then listen to or ask for instructions
ETIQUETTE FOR COMMUNICATING Treat adults as adults. Address people who have disabilities by their first names only when extending the same familiarity to all others. (Never patronize people who use wheelchairs by patting them on the head or shoulders. Leaning on or hanging on to a person’s wheelchair is similar to leaning on or hanging on to a person & is generally considered annoying. The chair is part of the personal body space of the person who uses it.
ETIQUETTE FOR COMMUNICATING Listen attentively when you’re talking with a person who has difficulty speaking. Be patient & wait for the person to finish rather than correcting or speaking for the person. If necessary ask short questions that require short answers, a nod, shake of the head. Never pretend to understand if your are having difficulty doing so, instead repeat what you have understood & allow the person to respond. The response will clue you in & guide your understanding.
ETIQUETTE FOR COMMUNICATING When speaking with a person who uses a wheelchair or a person who uses crutches place yourself at eye level in front of the person to facilitate the conversation
ETIQUETTE FOR COMMUNICATING To get the attention of a person who is deaf tap the person on the shoulder or wave your hand. Look directly at the person & speak clearly, slowly & expressively to determine if the person can read your lips. Not all people who are deaf can read lips. For those who do lip read be sensitive to their needs by placing yourself so that you face the light source & keep hands, cigarettes & food away from your mouth when speaking
ETIQUETTE FOR COMMUNICATING Relax. Don’t be embarrassed if you happen to use accepted, common expressions such as “See ya later” or “Did you hear about that?” that seems to relate to a person’s disability. Don’t be afraid to ask questions when you’re unsure of what to do.
ETIQUETTE FOR COMMUNICATING People with disabilities like all people are experts on themselves. They know what they like what they do not like & what they can & can not do. If you are uncertain what to do ask. Most people would rather answer a question about protocol than be in an uncomfortable situation
ETIQUETTE FOR COMMUNICATING Positive Nonverbal Body Language Convey support through posture & stance Use supportive eye contact, expressions & gestures Respect personal space & touch should be used with discretion Non verbal clients can communicate
ETIQUETTE FOR COMMUNICATING Appropriate Verbal Style Use clear, concrete words Minimize your talk & maximize their talk Listen empathically & be nonjudgmental Stay calm, avoid counter aggression
ETIQUETTE FOR COMMUNICATING When mistakes are made apologize correct the problem learn from the mistake & move on. Let people provide information about their disability on their own initiative. They are not responsible for educating the public by sharing their story.
ETIQUETTE FOR COMMUNICATING How a client might communicate with you Speech Sounds or grunts Behavior such as falling to the floor Gestures, pulling you to location Sign language Picture symbols or objects
ETIQUETTE FOR COMMUNICATING HOW TO COMMUNICATE: Use slower rate of speech Use shorter sentences that may be helpful for processing even if he/she is high functioning. Some individuals may feel insulted if you simplify too much & will ignore you or be rude
ETIQUETTE FOR COMMUNICATING Watch your vocabulary & use of language he/she will be very concrete in thinking/understanding Remember that behavior serves a purpose for the individual & that our job is to figure out that purpose Body language