Graph Square Root and Cube Root Functions Notes 6.5 (Day 1) Graph Square Root and Cube Root Functions
How to find Domain when looking at a graph: Remember: Domain is any value x can be. Step 1: Graph Function Step 2: find the point the furthest to the left on the graph Step 3: find the point furthest to the right on the graph. Step 4: the domain includes those values, and any values in between (if there are gaps, exclude those values) Step 5: State the domain **** If you are using parenthesis () then you are not including that value, but if you are using brackets [], then you are including the value.
How to find Range when looking at a graph: Remember: Range is any value y can be. Step 1: Graph Function Step 2: Find the point furthest to the bottom of the graph Step 3: Find the point furthest to the top of the graph Step 4: The range includes those values, and any values in between (if there are gaps, exclude those values) Step 5: State the range **** If you are using parenthesis () then you are not including that value, but if you are using brackets [], then you are including the value.
Graphing square root functions for starters: Step 1: Make a t-chart from values 0 to 4 Step 2: Solve for t-chart values Step 3: Graph Points Step 4: Connect the dots (only one side is continuous!!
Graph, find the domain, find the range.
Graph, find the domain, find the range.
Graph, find the domain, find the range.
Graph, find the domain, find the range.
Graphing Cube root functions for starters: Step 1: Make a t-chart from -1 to 1 Step 2: Solve for t-chart values Step 3: Graph points Step 4: Connect the dots (both sides are continuous!!)
Graph, find the domain, find the range.
Graph, find the domain, find the range.
Graph, find the domain, find the range.
Graph, find the domain, find the range.
Homework: P 449 3-8, 10-15