Beowulf Text and Context
Background Composed around 700 A.D. during the Anglo Saxon time period The story had been in circulation as an oral narrative for many years before it was written. The action of the poem takes place around 500 AD Poet is reviving the heroic language, style and values and pagan values of ancient Germanic oral poetry The poem deals with ancient Germanic forebears, the Danes and the Geats Only a single manuscript of the poem survived the Anglo-Saxon era. In the 1700’s it was nearly destroyed in a fire It was not until 1936 when the Oxford scholar J.R.R> Tolkien published a paper on the poem that is became popular.
Background • Often called the beginning of English literature • Written in what is now called Old English • Only one complete original copy remains
The epic will contain 3 elements: 1. A larger-than life hero Beowulf : The Epic Poem An EPIC is a long narrative poem which follows a hero’s struggle against universal issues. The epic will contain 3 elements: 1. A larger-than life hero 2. The Supernatural 3. Elevated language style Epics: An oral tradition Many epics were not originally written down by their authors. Instead, they were memorized and retold or sung by wandering entertainers. Scop (storyteller)
The Beowulf Poet The poet is Christian The poem reflects established Christian tradition Allusions to the Old Testament Beowulf is a Redeemer who is sent by God to save man from sin The price of salvation is life itself Correspondences between Beowulf’s death and the death of Christ Look for: -Kennings (two-word phrase for a common word) ex: world-candle for sun or whale-road for ocean -Symbolism -Highly descriptive passages
Heroic Values in Beowulf Relationship between king and his warriors The king rewards his warriors with gifts If a kinsman is slain, obligation to kill the slayer or obtain payment (wergeld) in compensation
Conflict Christian Values and Heroic Values This tension is at the heart of the poem Pagan history and myth are made to point to a Christian moral Beowulf is poised between two value systems
Setting The Mead Hall Social, governmental, emotional center of the village Mead = honey based wine Herot
The Character of Beowulf He fights for personal honor, but is committed to service to his own people and humanity. A superhuman who remains recognizable Contrast old and young Beowulf Beowulf as savior
Grendel Grendel • Hybrid: -man vs. man -man vs. supernatural Most human-like of the supernatural fights
Grendel’s Mother Less “human” than son • An older and more animal-like evil Before Beowulf can even battle her, he must face the water creatures
The Dragon • The oldest and most base form of evil • Referred to as the worm Man vs. Supernatural
Themes Good vs. Evil Fate The Importance of Establishing Identity Tension between Heroic Code and Christianity Significance of artifacts The past
Staznoski Principle To prove he is truly larger than life, authors often introduced other characters who were fated to die.
Important Elements of the Poem Elegaic tone Heroic poem Contrasts Christian and pagan Youth and old age Rise and fall of nations Joy and sorrow Fate and God’s will Violence Irony