COMMUNICATION Communication works for those who work at it. Communication is depositing a part of yourself in another person. Communication- the human connection- is the key to personal and career success. Effective communication is 20% what you know and 80% how you feel about what you know.
The word communication is derived from the term ‘Communicare’ or ‘Communico’ both of which mean ‘To share’. It is not merely the transmission of meaning from one person to another through symbols.
It enables people to Acquire, Exchange, Store, Retrieve and Process information. Hence ,it is an essential social affair.
In modern professional organizations a great deal of importance is attached to devising and maintaining an efficient system of communication. Researches in this area have shown that 70% to 80% of the total working time of a professional is spent on communication.
Mehrabian (silent messages) 7% verbal ,38% vocal and 55% non verbal PERSONAL APPEARANCE Even before the speaker utters the first syllable we begin to form an opinion about him and visualise the way he is going to talk. We are all accustomed to looking for clues about the personality of an individual interms of his dress,hair,style,make-up,etc
ANALYSE YOURSELF Do I find it difficult to start a conversation? Am I unable to pick a topic? Am I unable to keep the conversation flowing smoothly? Do I always agree with what others say or disagree with them all the time? Do I frequently talk about myself,my family and my interests?
Have I a tendency to dominate every conversation situation? Do I give the other participant a chance to speak? Have I any mannerisms likely to annoy people? Do I respect other people’s time and interests? Am I self conscious about the language I use –grammar ,pronunciation, articulation etc.
TYPES OF COMMUNICATION FORMAL - ORAL COMMUNICATION The person uses his verbal/talking abilities to convey his view point. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION Written word is used as the medium of communication. It depends on : Clarity Conciseness Correctness Grasp of syntax
INFORMAL GRAPEVINE RUMOURS BODY LANGUAGE Message through intermediaries – distorted message – speed. RUMOURS Word of action, present or contemplated without knowing the reason for it – false reasons are manufactured. BODY LANGUAGE Important supplement – Each gesture is a word.
BODY LANGUAGE GESTURE MEANING Arms crossed on chest Head tilted Stroking chin Touching nose Unbuttoned shirt Joined finger tips Hand before mouth MEANING Defensiveness Interest Evaluation, judgement Rejection, denial Aggressiveness Confidence, pride Uncertainty
BODY LANGUAGE (contd.) GESTURE MEANING Pupils of eye dilated Excessive blinking Rubbing back of neck Leaning forward Leaning backward MEANING Interest Anxiety / ignorance Frustration Reserved judgement
TEN COMMANDMENTS Seek to clarify your ideas. Examine the true purpose of each communication. Consider the total physical and human setting whenever you communicate. Consult others, when appropriate in planning communication. Be meaningful of the overtones as well as the basic content of your message. Take the opportunity when it arises to convey something of help or value to the receiver.
TEN COMMANDMENTS (contd.) Follow up your communication. Communicate for tomorrow as well as for today. Be sure your actions support your communication. Seek not only to be understood but to understand as well- be a good listener.
BARRIERS TO COMMUNICATION Lack of common language. Poor vocabulary. Poor know how of grammar and punctuation. Round about verbiage. Wrong choice of medium. Communication load. Noise.
BARRIERS TO COMMUNICATION (contd.) Time Distance. Age. Status barriers. Attitudes and values. Abstracting. Allness and Closed mindedness. Negative emotions.
BARRIERS TO COMMUNICATION (contd.) Halo Effect (trust or distrust). Inattentiveness. Resistance to change.
ESSENTIALS OF EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION Understand yourself – self analysis. Understand your colleagues – seniors, pears and subordinates. Understand the message – purpose and content. Keep an open mind. Develop the art of listening. Overcome the sources of ‘ Barriers to communication. ‘