Smart Net Total Care (SNTC) Deployment CSAM Training SNTC 3.0 Slides: Released to Production on February 11, 2015
Today we will cover: What is CSAM & Delegated Admin Available Roles Complete your access to SNTC Portal How to add, edit, remove Users Delegated Administrator Management Best Practice Useful Links Today we will cover:
Cisco Services Access Management (CSAM) Tool The CSAM tool provides proactive self-service access management to Cisco services. It requires customers to designate a Customer Delegated Administrator, known as the DA. Delegated Administration allows for a structured approach and greater control over “who gets access to what.” The CSAM tool provides proactive access management aimed at enabling self-service access management, allowing customers to run their business more efficiently. Within CSAM, Companies can perform: User-Company Associations User Role Assignments Additional Administrators Company and Administrator Settings
Delegated Administrator Delegated Administration is Cisco’s self-service access management that allows you to decide independently who in your company should have access to each Cisco Service program. You, as Delegated Administrator, now have complete control to administer user access rather than contacting Cisco to submit access requests. The DA will be responsible for all SNTC user access management at their company, as well as for other Cisco services that use this company access system. Delegated Administration allows for user self- service access, providing a structure to enable customers and partners to assume greater control over “who gets access to what”. The DA is also referred to as ‘Company Administrator’ in the CSAM tool
Roles in CSAM Roles in SNTC Customer Administrator (Internal) Delegated Administrator (Company Administrator) DA for all Cisco services Associate users with a company (also to External users) Assign roles to administrators and users of Cisco services Nominate additional DAs Approve or deny user requests Role Administrator Perform Role assignment to users (also to the External users) Assign, approve, or reject user role requests Roles in SNTC Customer Administrator (Internal) Manage (register, edit add/or delete) collectors View the reports of the data/company, which the user is associated with such as All devices, all Contracts, Product alerts, Device Configuration, Service Coverage Management Customer User View reports of the data/company, which the user is associated with such as All devices, all Contracts, Product alerts, Device Configuration, Service Coverage Management CBR User (External) Role Administrators are two kinds – Internal Role Administrator and External Role Administrator. Internal Role Administrator can only assign roles only within the company. External Role Administrator can assign to users outside of his company. Role Administrators are not authorized to change any company settings or make/approve user-company associations. That responsibility remains with the Company Administrator. SNTC Roles are also referred to as Service Access roles within CSAM Services roles are built into the system. Along with the role come certain rights and limitations that will enable and limit what each person can view or do, as they use portal interface. Users can submit their own requests to DA (via Profile Manager). DA approves or denies those requests. Da explicitly associate users and assign roles.
Live CSAM Portal Demo
Takeaway Slides from Portal Demo
Complete your access to the SNTC portal (as Delegated Admin) You received email notification that your Cisco account has been associated to your company and that you have been nominated to become the DA for your Company You need to accept the Terms and Conditions if you have not done so already (Link enclosed in the email) You will then log into CSAM and assign yourself the Customer Admin role to access the SNTC portal If DA wants to pass this responsibility to someone else, first they must accept terms and conditions and then nominate the other person.
Granting access to Internal and External Users Two-step process
Step 1 – Assign Internal User to a Company Expected Visuals Go to User-Company Associations tab Select Associate User to My Company Enter a valid CCO ID or email address and click Next Select the company location or search for a specific location and click Next Verify details and click Finish A notification will be sent to the user confirming their association to the Company User-company association is a pre-requisite to assigning a User roles. A Delegated Administrator will associate users to their company, so that those users can access Cisco services. After the association, the DA can assign roles that limit what activities the user can conduct in the assigned Service Change a User’s Company Association User company associations can also be changed or deleted over time by company administrators based on need or when users leave the company. Revalidate User Association Requests Revalidation of user associations may be necessary due to organizational changes in the company’s legal hierarchy. If there are any users associated with a company location that is affected by the organizational change, those users will automatically be moved to a new location and the Delegated Administrator will be notified to review and revalidate those users’ access. View Existing Users Associated with the Company Delegated Administrators can view the existing User-Company Associations. Batch Uploads Multiple Users can be associated to a company via batch upload. More details can be found in the User Guide. This is especially helpful to onboard or migrate users from another system or user repository
Step 2 – Assign the SNTC Role to the Internal User Expected Visuals Go to User-Role Assignments tab Select Assign Roles to Users Select from a list of existing users, or search by first/last name, CCOID or email address and click Next Select SNTC service to open roles Select a role Identify Start and End dates if applicable Click Finish A notification will be sent to the user confirming granting access to SNTC This is the same process you followed to assign yourself as Customer Administrator Hover the mouse over a role to display a more detailed description of the role and its capabilities. Use the checkboxes to select one or more roles to assign to the selected user. The DA can optionally enter a future Start Date and/or End Date for the role assignment. If the Start Date is left blank, the role assignment will be active immediately If the End Date is left blank, the role assignment will remain active indefinitely, until the company’s service enablement expires. The Batch Upload can also be used here to associate multiple users to Roles.
Assign an External User Expected Visuals Assign an External User Go to User-Role Assignments tab Select Assign Roles to User Outside of My Company Search by CCOID and email address and click Next Select SNTC service to open roles Select the External role – CBR User and click Finish A notification will be sent to the user confirming granting access to SNTC Customer Administrators may also assign roles to external users who: Are associated with their company Have CCOID Have an email address associated with their CCOID Granting access to Partner can be performed by either DA or Role Administrator.
Edit User Access Changing User-Company Association Go to User-company Associations and select Change a User’s Company Association Select the user and click Edit On the next screen change the View option to My Full Span of Control Select the user’s new location and click Save Changing User’s Role Assignments Go to User-Role Assignments and select Change a User’s Role Assignments Use radio button to select the role and click Edit Click to expand currently Assigned roles and additional Available Roles Check the box next to the role and (optionally) enter start/end date and click Save Change a User’s Company Association User company associations can also be changed or deleted over time by company administrators based on need or when users leave the company. Revalidate User Association Requests Revalidation of user associations may be necessary due to organizational changes in the company’s legal hierarchy. If there are any users associated with a company location that is affected by the organizational change, those users will automatically be moved to a new location and the Delegated Administrator will be notified to review and revalidate those users’ access. View Existing Users Associated with the Company Delegated Administrators can view the existing User-Company Associations. To change the start or end date of a user’s current Assigned Role, enter the new date value in the corresponding field. If the Start Date is left blank, the role assignment is immediately active If the End Date is left blank, the role assignment will remain active until the role is manually removed
Remove User Access Remove User-Company Association Go to User-Company Associations and select Change a User’s Company Association Select the user using radio button and click on Remove Association Remove User’s Role Assignments Go to User-Role Assignments and select Change a User’s role Assignments Select the role to be removed and click Remove Role No need to click Save/Finish when removing either association or removing a role.
Managing Delegated Administrators A Delegated Administrator can: Nominate additional company administrators Set up multiple branch locations with multiple administrators Structure can be changed over time as needed.
Nominating other Delegated Administrators Viewing and Removing Existing Delegated Administrators Go to Administrators tab and select Nominate an Administrator Select Admin type and click Next Select user from a list of existing users or by CCOID/email address and click Next Select the company location or search for a specific location and click Finish Notification will be sent to the new Delegated Administrator confirming their nomination. Go to Administrators tab Select View Existing Administrators Use the radio button to select a User and click Remove Nominating Multiple Additional Delegated Administrators can be done via Batch Upload similarly to user-co-Company association and user-to-role assignment. Admin Type: Either Company Administrator or Role Administrator Remove Existing Delegated Administrator The Delegated Administrator can remove the Delegated Administrator role from themselves or any other Delegated Administrator in their company.
Best practice Have at least 1 Delegated Admin & 1 Back up DA At least one DA should exist at all times The DA is for All Cisco services that use CSAM not just the SNTC Where there are multiple DAs the company should designate a Main DA; the others are considered as backups or have limited/defined responsibilities The system does not enforce any status differences; all DAs have the same rights within CSAM It is up to the DA, within the company, to make sure that they are not overwriting each other’s role assignments
Smart Net Total Care Toolkit Cisco Services Access Management (CSAM) tool: CSAM How to: SNTC Portal (Smart Services Connection): New SNTC Interface Introduction Video Customer eLearning SNTC How-to Videos on YouTube Smart Net Total Care Service Description Smart Net Total Care Community (best viewed in Firefox or Chrome) SNTC Smart Edge Webinar Series To obtain a Cisco CCO ID