National Cyber Security Programme Local : Building Resilience Together


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Presentation transcript:

National Cyber Security Programme Local : Building Resilience Together What issues should we think about? What steps will we need to take?

National Cyber Security Programme : Cyber Resilient Government Cyber Resilient Government aims to ensure that government networks and services will be as secure as possible from the moment of their first implementation. The public will be able to use government digital services with confidence, and trust that their information is safe. This will be deliver projects across five themes: Understanding government cyber security Building resilience through Enterprise Systems/Mission IT Delivering trusted online services Developing the cyber skills & talent across government Focusing on government cyber security suppliers DCLG leads on the NCSP “Think Cyber – Think Resilience” Local Leadership in Cyber Society Initiative Cyber Resilient Government

THINK CYBER THINK RESILIENCE 2017/18 National Cyber Security Programme – Local 2017/18 Cyber Resilient Government NCSC Guidance/CiSP Active Defence Incident Handling Cabinet Office Information Assurance Election Resilience Home Office/ POLICE RCCUs Action Fraud Economic Crime Academy NHS-Digital CareCert Social Care GDS Digital Standards /Platforms (Verify etc.). DCMS Secure by Default Cyber Skills National Schemes Cyber Essentials Cyber Aware THINK CYBER THINK RESILIENCE 2017/18 Mentoring Knowledge Sharing Showcases Horizon Scanning

MENTORING : Local Leadership in a Cyber Society: Towards a model for Civic Cyber Resilience To help inform the development of the National Cyber Security Strategy and National Cyber Security Programme To help in the development of a local leadership cadre and identify how Local Authorities and the Local Resilience community can collaborate together to respond to common issues and challenges. To identify areas for development and consideration around the development of common frameworks, standards and capability models.   National – Local Government Cyber Security Stakeholder Board and NCSC/Local Technical Panel Established

ACTIONS FOR LOCAL LEADERS KNOWLEDGE SHARING : Civic Cyber Resilience Model ACTIONS FOR LOCAL LEADERS Revised 2.0 under construction

SHOWCASING: Think Cyber Think Resilience DCLG lead on the NCSP “Think Cyber – Think Resilience” Local Leadership in Cyber Society Initiative Models and Standards : Civic Cyber Resilience Model – horizon scan projects Sector Leadership Mentoring: Strategic Roundtable Consultation - Establishing a Local Leadership Cadre and National LG Cyber Security Stakeholder body Regional Awareness : Think Cyber Think Resilience 8 Regional Seminars/ 2 National Conferences (inducting over 1000 local leaders and practitioners) Stimulating Continuous Improvement via accessing wider NCSP outputs : Knowledge Bank and roll-out of the Cyber Security Information Sharing Partnership across 200 plus LAs.   SHOWCASING: Think Cyber Think Resilience OECD PUBLIC SECTOR INNOVATION EXEMPLAR STATUS Awarded April 2017

14/12/2017: Manchester 16/02/2018: Birmingham 27/02/2018: Bristol National Cyber Security Programme Regional Showcases 2017/18 Breaking news 14/12/2017: Manchester 16/02/2018: Birmingham 27/02/2018: Bristol 27/03/2018: London See booking details for Showcases and wider Think Cyber Think - Local Cyber Leadership resources @ OECD PUBLIC SECTOR INNOVATION EXEMPLAR STATUS Awarded April 2017

Horizon Scanning : National Cyber Security Programme – Local : Forward Focus

National Cyber Security Programme – Local Cyber Resilient Government - Forward Focus   Devolution Devolution is creating new opportunities to improve cyber resilience awareness and practice across local systems and structures. With the creation of area-wide information and financial systems that can adopt the latest in robust cyber defence solutions. Enabling them to combat the inevitable cyber-attacks that local public sector targets will be subject to from hackers and cyber-criminals.

National Cyber Security Programme – Local Cyber Resilient Government - Forward Focus   Growth By 2021 the UK aims to have developed an innovative, growing cyber security industry, underpinned by world-leading scientific research and development. This means the development of local cyber economies supporting employment, skills and SME growth. In support of this Local Growth Fund sponsored GM Cyber Centre drawing industry, academia and local public sector together to build cyber capabilities that can be replicated across other regions and localities.

National Cyber Security Programme – Local Cyber Resilient Government – Forward Focus   Service Delivery Cyber security and resilience is an essential precondition to support improvements in how data and technology are used to provide smarter services. The public want more convenient access to services and expect their data to be used within a trusted and secure environment to improve quality and outcomes. In practice this means cyber secure digital technologies that support the exploitation of big data are embedded in the design and delivery of services to improve customer experience.

National Cyber Security Programme – Local Cyber Resilient Government - Forward Focus   Local Democracy That that the integrity of our democratic processes are secure. That public trust and confidence is maintained in the democratic process. Devolution settlements address election security in terms of cyber awareness, training and secure cyber defence. That local electoral services adopt a secure by design approach in supporting national and local elections.

National Cyber Security Programme – Local Cyber Resilient Government - Forward Focus   Resilience That Local Resilience Forums and WARPs have access to effective cyber security and cyber resilience training, advice and support. That Resilience and Emergency Teams and Resilience Advisers can support LRFs, 1st Responders and WARPS when cyber incidents occur and help with effective incident resolution. Look at developing and extending support mechanisms for Resilience Commands to link-up with NCSC incident management regimes as appropriate.

  Thank You See the Think Cyber Think Resilience resources @

National Cyber Security Programme Local : Building Resilience Together What issues should we think about? What steps will we need to take?