The Reading Zone! By Nancie Atwell Amanda Goss & Tim Howle
The Reading Zone To take poetic license from Rod Serling… You're traveling through another dimension -- a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That's a signpost up ahead: your next stop: the Reading Zone!
Key Concepts Reading for Pleasure The right to choose The right to look ahead or to stop Reading Workshops This is a true paradigm shift!
What Atwell says about the Reading Zone! holasticprofessional/authors/ta_atwell_re adingzone.htm holasticprofessional/authors/ta_atwell_re adingzone.htm
What Atwell says about Student Choice! holasticprofessional/authors/ta_atwell_st udentchoice.htm holasticprofessional/authors/ta_atwell_st udentchoice.htm
What Atwell says about creating passionate readers! holasticprofessional/authors/ta_atwell_a vidreaders.htm holasticprofessional/authors/ta_atwell_a vidreaders.htm
Its all about engagement! Students must learn to enjoy and love reading. Atwell believes in voluminous reading and the only way to do that is through student choice and interest. Reading workshops are a great idea! Book talks
What we need? Better classroom libraries based on student interests. Move away from classroom reading selections in which the entire class reads one selected book. Invoke the Pleasure Principle!