INTERVIEW TECHNIQUES _________________________ and welcome to this mornings class INTERVIEWING TECHNIQUES. Now you will have the opportunity thru this class to see how important interviewing is and the importance of having polished interviewing techniques and skills. You will be introduce to these skills and techniques by: CHANGE SLIDE TO OVERVIEW
Overview Definition and purpose Steps in the interview process Interview questioning techniques What is the DEFINAITON/PURPOSE of the INTERVIEW? CHANGE SLIDE
Interview Generate data Examine a problem A conversation designed to gather information for a specific purpose. Generate data Examine a problem **DEFINITION/PURPOSE: -Generate Data: based on the information you have been provided with or data you will have one the interview/assessment is completed, you may run across a specific topic(s) of concern. Meaning you may have a reoccurring theme that pops up. -Examine a problem : This is trouble shooting and reactive. NOW THAT YOU KNOW THE PURPOSE, LET THE INTERVIEW BEGIN! CHANGE SLIDE
Prepare for the Interview Establish purpose, goals Determine time and data Avoid interruptions -Establish purpose, goals-you NEED to understand exactly why you are doing the interview and what you need to accomplish. You might want to use a checklist. -Determine specifics-WHO, WHAT, WHEN, and WHERE? -Plan to avoid interruptions: Turn of cell phones/pagers/do not disturb signs. Avoid busy areas. -Determine types of questions to use: This will vary based on type of interview, (assessment or complaint). We will discuss this later in the class. NOW THAT YOU ARE PREPARED, LET’S OPEN THE INTERVIEW CHANGE SLIDE
Open the Interview Greet the individual Establish rapport Determine reason for interview Role as EOR Anonymity / privileged information False allegations / complaints Time constraints / note taking -Greet the individual: introduce yourself as soon as they come in. This will help set the tone. -Establish rapport: How might you go about doing this? (PG 4of 14) -Determine the reason for interview: You want to find out what brings the interviewee to your office? You might not always have this information. -Role as EOA: -Interview potential: explain how this interview can be instrumental in bringing about a change. *-Anonymity: You must explain that you work for the commander, and he/she may have a need to know what took place. Also, at any point if there is UCMJ violation you must report it. As an EOA I/you don’t have lawyer-client privileges. TURN PAGE
Conducting the Interview Establish eye contact Maintain interpersonal distance Be aware of non-verbal behavior Be relaxed Maintain rapport Be aware of time Maintain control and focus -Eye contact: Why might this be important? -Maintain interpersonal distance: a comfortable distance for who? (how will you set up the room/where will you sit in your office?) -Non-verbal behavior: body language, what is/is not being said. Be aware of the interviewees behavior. -Be relaxed/maintain rapport: maintain this throughout the interview. Watch your behavior and keep your BAG closed. -Time/control: you manage both CHANGE SLIDE
Conducting the Interview Remain objective Be honest Ask appropriate questions Allow interviewee’s to tell story in their the own words Don’t be interviewed -Maintain focus: Guide the discussion, stay on track with purpose/objective. -Remain objective/honest: it’s not about U, don’t promise anything you can’t deliver. -Ask appropriate ?’s: Deal with the issue at hand -Allow interviewee’s story to be told: don’t add or take away from. -Don’t allow yourself to be interviewed. Once you’ve captured your data, you’ll want to close the interview CHANGE SLIDE
Closing the Interview Acknowledge time limit Summarize Ask for additional comments Explain next step End the session Establish follow-up Extend appreciation, give phone number ^Acknowledge time limit: if you have gone pass allotted time ^Summarize session: do a brief summary now make sure you have what the interviewee intended. It’s fine to allow your notes to be read by interviewee. ^Ask if there are any additions: ^Explain the next step: this will depend on type of interview, assessment/complaint. You may end the session now. ^Establish a follow-up: Normally used in complaint interviews. ^Thank the person for his/her time; provide contact information should something else come up regarding the interview. Now it’s time to record all this informaiton CHANGE SLIDE
Recording the Interview Arrange notes Gather supporting information Document the interview Actions and recommendations Label -This is where you package your final product. -This might be done in several ways; be familiar with any regulatory guidelines governing correspondence and local policies. -Make recommendations to the commander. Remember to do your follow-up! BREAK/CHANGE SLIDE
Interview Follow-up Recommendations / commitments Close the case Coordinate inquiry / investigation -Recommendations/commitments: what advice/recommendations did you give the commander? -Closing the case: If this is a complaint follow your service guidelines. -Coordinate: take necessary steps should there be a need for an inquiry or investigation. We briefly spoke about question techniques earlier. So what are some questioning techniques? CHANGE SLIDE
Questioning Techniques ??????
Types of Questions Direct question Open-ended question Narrow question Paraphrase question Leading question Yes / No questions Loaded question You all have had the opportunity using these during your facilitation skills class. Be advised all of these examples have advantages/disadvantages. -Direct: Often begins with “WHAT, WHERE, WHY, WHO”. *Open-ended: Allows interviewee to provide pertinent & relevant info. EX: WHAT TOOK PLACE NEXT? What are some Ad/Disadvan *ARROW: interviewer selects general subject matter that should be discussed. EX: “How many times did he/she touch you”? What are A/D -Paraphrase: interviewer puts responses in his/her own words. -Leading: basically suggest what the answer should be. Yes/No: restrict the range of responses. -Loaded: can be very dangerous, SHOULD be avoided at all cost. This type of question encourages a specific response. Now let’s discuss some specific types of interviews. CHANGE SLIDE
Summary Definition and purpose Steps in the interview process Interview questioning techniques Today we have discussed the following: REFER TO SLIDE REMEMBER when conducting an interview you know the intended purpose. As you complete your SANDY BEACH exercise interviewing and the results of interviews play a large role in the overall assessment of the SANDY BEACH command. The outcome will further aid the commander in making his unit a better place to serve. GOOD LUCK and Thank you.