<month year> Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [TG3 Selection Process Flow Chart] Date Submitted: [25 May 2000] Source: [James D. Allen] Company [Eastman Kodak Co.] Address [66 Eastman Ave. Rochester, NY 14650-2015] Voice:[(716) 227-6346], FAX: [(716) 722-9053], E-Mail:[james.d.allen@kodak.com] Re: [Call for Proposal Evaluation.] Abstract: [Flow chart of how the criteria will be used to evaluate proposals] Purpose: [This document communicates the results of TG3 discussions on how to evaluate the proposal submissions.] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. <author>, <company>
Process Flow Diagram for P802.15.3 Proposals DRAFT <month year> Process Flow Diagram for P802.15.3 Proposals DRAFT <author>, <company>
doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> <month year> This process was designed around several concerns expressed by TG participants: Allow concepts to merge and optimize, Need to hear all presentations before vote even if materials are available in advance (Q/A sessions) Need to reduce number of options quickly Need to use TG3’s joint expertise efficiently Need to be able to consider new criteria Need to have a streamlined process compatible with informed voters, short schedules and conference calls Need to prevent getting lost in the process rather than focused on the goal <author>, <company> <author>, <company>
<month year> File Submission to TG3 Secretary, Secretary: Copy to Chair Secretary: Assigns Document Number if missing Verifies Format and Copyright Release Scans for meeting PAR Scans for Self Rating Section Verify slot in July calendar Notify Alfvin or Gifford for web matrix Forward to Gifford for posting Remind Submitter of presentation date/time and request any missing data All presentations and support documents are available before Monday. Voting Work sheets passed out One Pugh matrix per submission is passed out to voters before presentations This vote is for “first order” ordering submissions Voter may vote in ordering process only if present for the session Votes are handed in at end of each session Weighting is applied in Pugh tool to help separate criteria value Number One proposal is used as the evaluation Datum (all things rated relative to this proposal) Submittor Presents at July IEEE Meeting Voters rate relative (+,same,-) for each criteria during presentation. Voters to covert self rating details to general Pugh ratings Forms are passed in at end of each TG3 session and compiled Presentations are put in order of rating - THEY ARE NO EXCLUSIONS AT THIS TIME Order will determine evaluation order Time to hear, think, discuss, evolve is needed prior to first sort vote Rank order all Presentations <author>, <company>
Conference Call Analysis Cycle <month year> Evaluate any proposals to change Criteria Vote on changes Thursday - has to be during Plenary Request reassessment of any new criteria by all submitters Publish Con Call discussion schedule Criteria Changes Conference Call Analysis Cycle Conference Call discussions of all proposals Focus on filling in matrix, asking questions, Sequence is in order of first order vote Pugh “+same-” evaluation will be completed Evaluate Mac and Phy separate- each containing Systems sections and combinations or improvements of proposals to encourage best solutions final proposal No Mac or Phy exist alone. Phy -only or Mac-only submissions must be paired for final vote in Sept. September Meeting Review matrix and analysis results and vote on acceptance of work. Vote on which proposals to pursue 1- Use master evaluation document which is the matrix from doc 00110P802.15 as the reference. 2- Each voter rates all proposals in order of preference - each proposal is given a number of their order (first choice is 1, etc) 3- Votes are tallied, results are presented and sanity check done informally 4- Top half stays in, bottom half is excused. 5- Top half has the opportunity to discuss differences to clarify 6- Vote is taken again <author>, <company>
<month year> If preferred solution is not obvious, Next level of Sort If preferred solution is not obvious, 1- review details of surviving proposals in more depth 2- discuss impact of decision on events out side of TG3 (not currently a criteria) 3- Refine how number weights are used in the selection matrix 4- Revote <author>, <company>