TCS iON Digital Marking Redefining the Future of Marking Answer Books
A New Age Marking Process of Answer Books
TCS iON Digital Marking 5.61 Mn Answer books Marked 22,667 Markers Used 3,457 Reviewers Used 29 Customers Served 5 Answer Books / hour 44 Marking Engagements 557 Marking Centres 52 Scanning Centers 1/2/3 Markings per answer books 21,139 Marking Nodes used Customers Meghalaya Board of School Education Central Board of Secondary Education Council of Higher Secondary Education, Odisha Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education Karnataka Public Service Commission Bundelkhand University
TCS iON Digital Marking Intelligent Marking 1 Accelerated Marking 2 Assistive Marking 3 Productive Marking 5 Flexible Marking 4
1. Intelligent Marking Rule based assigning of AB Alerts for unread pages and unassessed questions/sections Auto-totaling of scores Question-wise maximum scores configuration Step-wise marking
2. Accelerated Marking AB logistics elimination Bulk scoring of parent questions Reports and dashboards for continuous track of the progress Quick retrieval
3. Assistive Marking Marking scheme for consistency Broadcast messaging Summary of final scores per AB Annotations and comments Zoom-in facility for better clarity
4. Flexible Marking Anytime, anywhere marking Forecast of marking timelines for timely intervention Concurrent marking ‘Save as draft’ to continue marking for current AB later
5. Productive Marking Measure and monitor marker-wise Marking center specific reports Daily AB marking targets and limits for markers Mandatory minimum marking duration per AB Efficiently manage multiple marking iterations
End-to-End Marking Cycle Marking as a service Secured access to markers Digital Marking 4 2 Secrecy coding of answer books Scanning of answer books and quality check Upload to secured data center Scanning 6 Decoding scores/mapping Marks collation Publish scores Result Publishing 1 Marking plan Scanning and marking center management Training of markers Marking Planning 3 Solution configuration Meta data upload QP and marking scheme Configuration 5 Command Center with progress report Reports to track performance of markers Marking center specific reports Reporting and Analytics
Enhanced Experience 98.4% User Experience Customer Experience 97.7% TRAINING 99.2% SOFTWARE 97.7% PROCESS & SUPPORT 98.1% Average User Satisfaction Index* COMMUNICATION *Based on evaluator and reviewer feedback 98.4% User Experience Dr. Manoj Srivastava Regional Officer, Dehradun Central Board of Secondary Education Basudev Chatoi Chairman Council of Higher Secondary Education, Odisha “Focus on the evaluation is mainly to ensure timely declaration of results. The result which is more accurate and correct” “Because of mechanisation, stakeholders have become impatient and expect quicker response. TCS iON Digital Marking solution fulfils this requirement completely and I foresee a great future for iON Digital Marking solution in the state of Odisha.” Customer Experience
4500+ trained manpower for on-time delivery Key Pillars Digitization Distributed scanning for faster digitizing and reduced overall marking cycle Hosted through own data center - ISO 27001 certified, Tier III, Cert-IN certified Data Center 4500+ trained manpower for on-time delivery Operational Reach Digital Markers Community (DMC) with pool of 25K+ certified markers across disciplines Markers Community
Value Proposition Efficiency Increased trust factor on the Exam Body 100% accuracy in marking 99 % reduction in re-evaluation requests 40% reduction of marking process time Increased trust factor on the Exam Body Speed Elimination of AB logistics 100% automation in result processing Conducive environment for Markers Transparency On-demand RTI queries reduced to 1 day Tracking process with reports and dashboards Click by click audit trail Reduced pressure of marking management Security 100% elimination of tampering with marks Zero loss of answer books in transit No opportunities missed for Students Scalability Configurable solution Simultaneous multi-marking process Access to pool of digital markers
Case Study 1 - CBSE reduces re-evaluation request by 99% 1. Inconsistency in marking across evaluators 2. Errors/omissions: Missed sections, totaling errors 3. Increase evaluation centres across country 1. Marking scheme to drive uniformity 2. Auto governance checks like totaling, reviews 3. Markers data & answer books on the cloud 1. 40% reduction in marking cycle time 2. 99% reduction in re-marking requests 3. 100% elimination of totaling errors 1. 190 marking centers with 6 scanning centers 2. Covering 7 subjects using 9,000 certified markers 3. Marked 2.2 million answer books
Case Study 2 - Bundelkhand University eliminates errors in the AB marking SOLUTION Answer books digitized Markers data & answer books on the cloud Marking scheme to drive uniformity Auto governance checks like totaling, reviews CHALLENGES Inconsistency in marking across evaluators Errors/omissions: Missed sections, totaling errors In-efficiency: Delays in results publishing ENGAGEMENT Implemented for 9 streams in B.ED & B.Tech exams Covering 152 subjects Using 45 certified markers Markers 70,000 answer books IMPACT Marking cycle time reduction by 30% Lesser post-results queries 100% elimination of totaling errors Transparency in marking process
Case Study 3 - KPSC brings transparency in answer books marking process Inconsistency in marking across markers Errors/omissions – Missed sections, totaling errors CHALLENGES Answer books digitized Markers data & answer books on the Cloud Marking scheme to drive uniformity Auto governance checks like totaling, reviews SOLUTION Reduction in marking cycle time 100% elimination of totaling errors Transparency in marking process IMPACT 1 marking center with 1 scanning center Covering 65 subjects using 826 certified markers Marked 94,595 answer books ENGAGEMENT
Re-define Answer Books Marking with The New Age TCS iON Digital Marking