Ng job apps & sub-tracker Resource - 2018 Local Government Corporation
Overview Upgrade for current Siesta customers. Linking with NG Payroll. Streamlined approach for job applicants and administrators. Online method for keeping up with your substitutes. Calling, organizing, and administration made easy.
Appearance Experience Features What’s new? Sleek & modern Easy navigation Features Robocalling, etc.
NG Job application Public (Applicants) Admin (HR, BOE staff) Go to your BOE Admin Link Applications listed for positions posted Hire and/or delete applicants Go to your BOE website Apply through link Submit & Save Application
NG Job apps - public Personalized BOE logo Applicants use the link provided on your BOE website SIGNUP to create an account Fill our personal data, Pick Job Position(s), & choose security question/answer.
NGJA PUBLIC Upon logging in, applicants can upload their resume and work towards completing applications. They are able to choose their position in which they are applying. They are able to use the Review & Edit Page functionality in the top right to make any changes during the application process. Once Applicant Profile section is completed click Next button.
As the applicant works through the application they can add or clear information. The save and finish button is useful if the application cannot be finished in one sitting.
Example application Review and edit view
Easy to read and answer Background Information questions with check boxes, drop down boxes, and text boxes for explanations if needed. Click Save & Finish Later anytime to save filled out application.
NGJA PUBLIC At the bottom of the application the Save & Submit button is available, and additional documents can be added. Once the button is pressed the application is sent to the administrative side to be viewed.
Ng job apps - admin Use link to access NG Job Apps Admin Admin users range from BOE staff, HR staff, principals, etc. Based off of how you handle whose in charge of application information. Login - username/password assigned to you in the SYS ADMIN tab. Under each heading above different utilities become available to the user.
NGJA ADMIN The POSITIONS tab lets you add new job positions. Active button is checked so that it will add the position for applicants to see on NG JA Public. Click OK to save or CANCEL to back out.
Current positions can be edited and/or inactivated depending on when the job is available for hire. Use the search box to find specific job positions. Click New button to add a job position.
Under the APPLICANTS tab, users can view and inactivate applicants HR Controls can be utilized Applicants can be hired, either as staff or as a substitute
The Applicant page is easy to manage and allows applicants to be listed to better view and search. When an application is selected their information is listed.
HR Controls allow the admin to approve, inactivate, terminate, and add a comment for applicants as needed.
Under the APPLICANTS tab, Hire Applicant view list of staff or subs to hire. Choose name of staff that you are hiring, fill out information, Submit This then adds your new staff or sub to your Siesta software.
Under this tab the Contacts are easily seen, and additional information such as who interviewed the applicant or who they spoke with. This is where you go to follow up on applicant references.
When reference is contacted regarding an applicant keep notes organized and saved here.
The Query tab allows for optimal searches of specific applicant information.
The Report tab allows the user to run a multitude of different reports, ranging from contact reports, license reports, educational reports, and even printing the final job application.
The Sys Admin tab allows users to access their account. From here they can change passwords, security questions, and even request technical support This tab is where applicants will create their initial usernames and passwords for account security and access.
Ng sub-tracker Use assigned link to get to NG Sub Tracker webpage Login set up based on 3 options: Sub-Tracker Admin Sub-Tracker Staff Sub-Tracker Substitute Username/password designated to each employee Login This will log you in under admin, substitute or staff per previous set up.
Ng sub-tracker: admin Username/Password set up in ADMIN tab as an administrator – LOGIN
ADMIN Sub-tracker admin allows for staff functionalities. The administrator is able to use the Staff tab to view, delete, move, or edit staff. Leave days, sick days, and multi school options are available here. Search and/or filter columns to find specific staff. New button allows you to add a new staff member.
NG Sub-tracker admin Add, Edit, & Save staff.
Edit individual staff leave such as starting leave or leave schedule.
The substitute tab compiles all the different substitute information. Subs can be added, deleted, edited, and searched. Available substitutes makes it easy to find help. Under the Masters subtab, functions such as pay scale and cost center can be located. Simply clicking a substitute from the list example below will pull their information up. Much like the Staff List.
Search dates for available subs and accept or decline once contacted.
Admin users can view, edit, delete, and add absences for staff. Edit an absence press the pencil icon Delete an absence press the trash can icon Add an absence press the NEW button
This feature allows admin to add absences for staff. Sub account, funds, and pay can all be accessed and edited here.
Reports tab gives multiple drop down options to run reports on your staff and substitutes.
The admin tab is where the user can access their account The admin tab is where the user can access their account. Permissions, passwords, and request help can be found here.
NG Sub-tracker: staff NG Sub-Tracker Staff username/password setup in Admin use this to - LOGIN Only one tab option: STAFF Staff can edit contact info, add/edit/delete absence(s), schedule substitute for absences, & view/print their days worked report.
Add absence: robocalling & lesson plan attachments/descriptions The staff member can rank their desired substitutes, and use the Robocall functionality to make a rolling call through your top picked substitutes. Attach lesson plans while also leaving instructions to the substitute teacher.
Add absence: available Leave See current leave amounts before adding the absence by clicking View Leave Balance.
Edit/delete absences Use Edit button to change absence info such as adding last minute lesson plan attachment. When absence is no longer needed staff can use Delete Day button.
Ng sub-tracker: substitute User/Pass set up in NG Sub-Tracker Admin LOGIN – only see substitute tab Substitute’s can update their contact information, display dates available, or not available, and can check their days worked/scheduled here.
My availability Blue dates indicate availability; upon clicking the date it will become red indicating not available. Red is Not Available, if you can work that day sometimes then click it once, turning it blue and indicating you are Available to work that day. Green is Working, click on green days in calendar and a box to the right appears with information for the working date. My Scheduled Days and My Days Worked are reports for the substitute to view and print. Lesson Plan Links and description from Staff (Teacher).