Existential Inventory Please print this slide show, follow the directions, and staple it to your reading response.
What defines you? On a blank piece of paper, draw an outline of yourself. On the inside of the figure, fill-in the space with words or images of what you believe best defines you as determined by you, not by others On the outside of the figure, create several thought bubbles that contain both positive and critical statements, words, or phrases about you as said by others. Complete this existential statement: “Stripped of all that defines me that is not me, I am . . .” Statement
Guidelines Use blank paper or format on computer Must be multi-colored Takes creative risks Name, date, period, assignment number, and title written on back of the existential inventory
Max Points per Criteria Grading Criteria Each Criteria is worth 5 points Max Points per Criteria Outline of Body 10 things about you (words, statements, or images) inside outline of body 6 thing about you inside thought bubbles Existential statement Multicolored 5 50 30 10 Write a two sentence evaluation, stating what you did well and what you could do better or differently next time according to the standards of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.
Printing Directions On the tool bar, click on “File,” click on “Print.” In the “Print” dialogue box, in the lower left corner under “Print What,” click on the drop down arrow and select “Handouts.” Then, under “Color/Grayscale,” select the best on for your printer. Next, under “Handouts,” click on “Slides per Page,” and choose “9.” Lastly, click on “OK,” and the file will print. Staple Directions to your assignment.