Water Use in Columbia County Since 1980 Kathleen A. McKee, University of Florida Water Institute Water use data in Columbia county using records from USGS and SRWMD from 1980 to 2007 for Agriculture (estimates by USGS every 5 yrs), Commercial/Indust/Power (from permitee reports), Public Supply (from permittee reports), and Domestic Self Supply. Fig 2. Water use by category in Columbia county, FL from 1980 to 2007. Population served by public supply less than population served by on-site wells. PubSupp = Public Supply (based on monthly permittee reporting); Agric from USGS = Irrigation estimated by Rich Marella, USGS; DomSelfSup = Domestic Self-Supply (a general estimated per capita rate from Rich Marella) * (Total Population – Public Supply population). Fig 1. Ichetucknee springshed, counties, cities, springs, water management district boundaries. Table 1. Largest permitted water users in Columbia county for 3 different years showing millions of gallons per year. Fig 3. Population from 1980 to 2007. The population of Lake City in 2009 was 12,614. katmckee@ufl.edu · 352-392-5893 x2114 February 16, 2011