Access Chapter 5 Multi-Table Forms.


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Presentation transcript:

Access Chapter 5 Multi-Table Forms

Objectives Use Yes/No, Date, Memo, OLE Object, Attachment, and Hyperlink fields Use the Input Mask Wizard Update fields and enter data Change row and column size Create a form with a subform in Design view Modify a subform and form design Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition

Objectives Enhance the form title Change tab stops and tab order Use the form to view data and attachments Use Date, Memo, and Yes/No fields in a query View object dependencies Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition

Using the Input Mask Wizard Start Access and Open the JSP Recruiters database as described on pages AC 300 – 301 Click the row selector for the Rate field (shown in Figure 5–4 on the previous page), and then press the INSERT key to insert a blank row. Click the Field Name column for the new field. Type Phone Number as the field name and then press the TAB key. Click the Input Mask property box Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition

Using the Input Mask Wizard Click the Build button If a dialog box appears asking you to save the table, click the Yes button. (If a dialog box displays a message that the Input Mask Wizard is not installed, check with your instructor before proceeding with the following steps.) Ensure that Phone Number is selected Click the Next button to move to the next screen, where you then are given the opportunity to change the input mask. Because you do not need to change the mask, click the Next button a second time Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition

Using the Input Mask Wizard Click the ‘With the symbols in the mask, like this’ option button, click the Next button, and then click the Finish button Click the Save button on the Quick Access Toolbar to save your changes Close the Recruiter table Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition

Using the Input Mask Wizard Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition

Entering Data Using an Input Mask Open the Recruiter table and hide the Navigation Pane Click at the beginning of the Phone Number field on the first record to display an insertion point in the field Type 7195558364 as the telephone number Use the same technique to enter the remaining telephone numbers Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition

Entering Data Using an Input Mask Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition

Entering Data in Yes/No Fields Repeatedly click the right scroll arrow, shown in Figure 5–11, until the new fields appear. Click the check box in the Bonus field on the first record to place a check mark in the box Click the check box in the Bonus field on the second record to place a check mark in the box Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition

Entering Data in Yes/No Fields Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition

Entering Data in Date Fields Click the Start Date field on the first record, type 5/22/2004 as the date on the first record, and then press the DOWN ARROW key Type 6/3/2004 as the start date on the second record, and then press the DOWN ARROW key. Type 10/3/2006 as the start date on the third record, and then press the DOWN ARROW key. Type 12/3/2007 as the start date on the fourth record Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition

Entering Data in Date Fields Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition

Entering Data in Memo Fields If necessary, click the right scroll arrow so the Comment field appears. Click the Comment field on the first record, and then type Master’s Degree in Healthcare Management; Treasurer of a national healthcare professional organization. as the entry Click the Comment field on the second record, and then type Former hospital administrator; extensive human resources experience; frequent presenter at professional conferences. as the entry. Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition

Entering Data in Memo Fields Click the Comment field on the third record, and then type Former director of human resources at small hospital in Wyoming; Working on a Master’s in Healthcare Management as the entry Click the Comment field on the fourth record, and then type Recently retired as a district school nurse; Hired to help expand recruiting services in K-12 school districts as the entry Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition

Entering Data in Memo Fields Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition

Changing the Row and Column Size Drag the line between the column headings for the Comment and Picture columns to the right to resize the Comment column to the approximate size Drag the lower edge of the record selector to approximately the position Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition

Changing the Row and Column Size Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition

Entering Data in OLE Fields Ensure the Picture field appears on your screen, and then right-click the Picture field on the first record to produce a shortcut menu Click Insert Object on the shortcut menu to display the Microsoft Office Access dialog box Click the ‘Create from File’ option button, and then click the Browse button Navigate to the AccessData folder on your USB drive in the Look in box. (If your pictures are located elsewhere, navigate to the folder where they are located instead of the AccessData folder.) Click Pict1 and then click the OK button to select the appropriate picture Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition

Entering Data in OLE Fields Click the OK button. Insert the pictures into the second, third, and fourth records using the techniques illustrated in Steps 1 through 4. For the second record, select the picture named Pict2. For the third record, select the picture named Pict3. For the fourth record, select Pict4. Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition

Entering Data in OLE Fields Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition

Entering Data in Attachment Fields Ensure the Contact Notes field, which has a paper clip in the field selector, appears on your screen, and then right-click the Contact Notes field on the first record to produce a shortcut menu Click Manage Attachments on the shortcut menu to display the Attachments dialog box Click the Add button in the Attachments dialog box to add an attachment. Navigate to the AccessData folder on your USB drive in the Look in box. (If your files are located elsewhere, navigate to the folder where they are located instead of the AccessData folder.) Click Alyssa Kerry Clients, a Word file, and then click the Open button to attach the file Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition

Entering Data in Attachment Fields Click the Add button Click the Alyssa Kerry Potential Clients, an Excel file, and then click the Open button to attach the file Click the OK button in the Attachments dialog box to close the Attachments dialog box Using the same technique, attach the Jan Lee Potential Clients file to the fourth record (The second and third records have no attachments.) Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition

Entering Data in Attachment Fields Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition

Creating a Form in Design View Show the Navigation Pane and be sure the Recruiter table is selected Click Create on the Ribbon to display the Create tab Click Form Design on the Create tab to create a new form in Design view Hide the Navigation Pane If a field list does not appear, click the Add Existing Fields button on the Design tab to display a field list If the fields in the Recruiter table do not appear, click the expand indicator (+) in front of the Recruiter table to display the fields Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition

Creating a Form in Design View Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition

Adding a Control for a Field to the Form Design Point to the Recruiter Number field in the field list for the Recruiter table, press the left mouse button, and then drag the field to the approximate position Release the left mouse button to place a control for the field Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition

Placing a Subform Be sure the Control Wizards tool is selected, click the Subform/Sub report button on the Design tab, and then move the mouse pointer to the approximate position Click the position and then ensure the ‘Use existing Tables and Queries’ option button is selected Click the Next button Click the Tables/Queries box arrow and then click Table: Client to select it as the table that contains the fields for the subform Add the Client Number, Client Name, Amount Paid, and Current Due fields by clicking the field and then clicking the Add Field button Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition

Placing a Subform Click the Next button Be sure the ‘Choose from a list.’ option button is selected Type Clients of Recruiter as the name of the subform Click the Finish button to place the subform Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition

Placing a Subform Click the subform to select it. Move the subform to the approximate position by dragging the subform and then resize it to the approximate size shown in the figure by dragging the appropriate sizing handles Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition

Placing a Subform Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition

Modifying a Subform Show the Navigation Pane. Right-click the Clients of Recruiter form to produce a shortcut menu. Click Open on the shortcut menu to open the form. Resize the columns to best fit the data by double-clicking the right boundaries of the field selectors Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition

Modifying a Subform Save your changes and then close the subform Open the Recruiter Master Form in Design view and then hide the Navigation Pane Adjust the approximate size and position of the subform to the one Click the View button to view the form in Form view Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition

Modifying a Subform Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition

Enhancing a Form Title Click the View button arrow and then click Design View on the View button menu to return to Design view. Resize the Form Header section by dragging down the lower boundary of the section to the approximate position Click the control containing the form title to select the control Drag the control to the approximate position Drag the lower-right sizing handle to resize the control to the approximate size shown in the figure Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition

Enhancing a Form Title Click the Property Sheet button on the Design tab to display the control’s property sheet. Click the Special Effect property box, click the Special Effect property box arrow, and then click Raised to change the Special Effect property value to Raised. In a similar fashion, change the Font Size property value to 20, the Text Align property value to Distribute, and the Font Weight property value to Semi-bold Close the property sheet by clicking its Close button Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition

Enhancing a Form Title Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition

Changing a Tab Stop Click the Bonus control to select it. Select the Picture control, the Contact Notes control, and the subform by holding down the SHIFT key while clicking each control Click the Property Sheet button on the Design tab to display the property sheet. Make sure the All tab is selected, click the down scroll arrow until the Tab Stop property appears, click the Tab Stop property, click the Tab Stop property box arrow and then click No Close the property sheet Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition

Changing a Tab Stop Click the Save button on the Quick Access Toolbar to save your changes Click the View button to view the form in Form view. It looks like the one in Figure 5–1 on page AC 299. Close the form Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition

Changing a Tab Stop Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition

Using the Form Show the Navigation Pane if it is currently hidden Right-click Recruiter Master Form and then click Open on the shortcut menu Hide the Navigation Pane Right-click the Contact Notes field to display a shortcut menu Click the Manage Attachments command on the shortcut menu to display the Attachments dialog box Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition

Using the Form Click the OK button to close the Attachments dialog box Click the form’s Next record button to display the data for recruiter 24 Click the subform’s Next record button twice to highlight the third client of recruiter 24 Close the form Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition

Using the Form Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition

Viewing Object Dependencies Display the Navigation Pane and click the Recruiter table. Click Database Tools on the Ribbon to display the Database Tools tab Click the Object Dependencies button on the Database Tools tab to display the Object Dependencies Pane. Click the ‘Objects that depend on me’ option button to select it Close the Object Dependencies Pane by clicking its Close button Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition

Viewing Object Dependencies Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition

Using Date, Memo, and Yes/No Fields in a Query Create a query for the Recruiter table and include the Recruiter Number, Last Name, First Name, Start Date, Comment, and Bonus fields in the query Click the Criteria row under the Comment field and then type *Healthcare Management* as the criterion. Click the Criteria row under the Start Date field, and then type <1/1/2005 as the criterion Click the View button to view the results Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition

Using Date, Memo, and Yes/No Fields in a Query Click the View button to return to Design view Erase the criterion in the Start Date field. Click the Criteria row under the Bonus field and then type Yes as the criterion Click the View button to view the results Close the query without saving the results Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition

Using Date, Memo, and Yes/No Fields in a Query Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition

Summary Use Yes/No, Date, Memo, OLE Object, Attachment, and Hyperlink fields Use the Input Mask Wizard Update fields and enter data Change row and column size Create a form with a subform in Design view Modify a subform and form design Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition

Summary Enhance the form title Change tab stops and tab order Use the form to view data and attachments Use Date, Memo, and Yes/No fields in a query View object dependencies Microsoft Office 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition

Access Chapter 5 Complete