HI MY NAME IS: Mistletoe
Viscum album Hemi-parasite (partially parasite) Grows on the branches of Deciduous trees, raw plant is extremely poisonous Located in Europe, Asia and North Africa A Perennial plant (lives year after year)
General Characteristics Yellowish, smooth stem Tongue-shaped leaves Small yellow flowers Smooth, white berries are produced from Oct. - Dec., they ripen in December
History Of Mistletoe Has been one of the most magical, mysterious and sacred of all the European plants Associated with Celtic rituals & Greek festivals The tradition of kissing under the mistletoe was first associated with primitive marriage rights due to its believed power of fertility
Components in Mistletoe Viscotoxins- small proteins that stimulate immune system activity Alkaloids- Nitrogen containing cells, mistletoe alkaloids also have anti-cancer activity Lectins- complex molecules that contain both proteins & sugars and are capable of combining to immune system cells
Medicinal Uses Cancer drug (shown to increase survival time by 40% in Germany) Is used to treat seizures and headaches, along with other conditions Is also used in cases of epilepsy
Quick Facts In some parts of England mistletoe is burned in case the young men and women who kissed under it should never marry The word mistletoe comes from Anglo-Saxon, it means “Dung-on-a-twig” Sacred plant of Frigga, or Freya, the Norse Goddess of Love
Celtic Druids
Bibliography www.Botanical.com www.forestpathology.com http://gardenline.usask.ca/misc/mistleto.html http://healthyherbs.about.com/cs/herbfaqs/a/aa030603.htm