Magnificent Stone Tombs THE PYRAMIDS Magnificent Stone Tombs
Why They Were Built The pyramids were built to house the bodies of their dead kings Most were built during the Old and Middle Kingdoms They stand as a symbol of the power held by Pharaohs of Egypt. Many still stand to this day.
Smaller pyramids were often constructed for queens, and stood next to the pyramid of the king.
Famous Pyramids: The Step Pyramid at Saqquara Built for King Djoser in approximately 2650 BCE 60 Feet Tall 6 Giant Steps
The Great Pyramid At Giza AKA: The Great Pyramid of KHUFU Built for the Pharaoh Khufu in about 2600 BCE. Along with 2 other large pyramids, are one of the Great Wonders of the World. 146.6 meters high The two other pyramids were built for his brother and his son.
The Valley of The Kings One of the most famous archeological sights in the world. For a period of nearly 500 years tombs were constructed here for the kings and powerful nobles of the New Kingdom Over 30 tombs have been discovered there, including King Tutenkhamen.
How were the Great Pyramids Built?